Member, Male, from Roanoke, VA
Exploring the site. Apr 23, 2011
- Zontafer was last seen:
- Sep 18, 2011
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I am a moderator of Buildism which is a 2D Building game. It is only in alpha, and has 1,000 members +. My username there is Login. Refer me, please. I previously dedicated my 3 years of the internet towards helping others. Starting in 2008, I started out on answers.yahoo.com and got over 500 supplied answers to the community. I quit and never came back. Then, in December of 2008, only a month later, I joined wiki.answers.com or answers.com which I became part of their team as Special Project Assistant and Wiki Influential Teens. I made over 3,000 contributions to the site before school took me over. I plan to come back during the summer - that is if my grandparents don't take me to Florida.Interact
Moderator of a site with 1,000 + members. I've got two usernames: Zontafer and Login.