I posed this same question to the creator of WorldRestore (rodey) but I thought I could ask you as well: Could you make it possible to wipe the players inventory when the world is reset? I am looking to make a server that is running Vechs Super Hostile "Capture the Wool" and "Race For Wool" maps. I want to have one main world where players can enter portals to these different maps.
But it's all on hold until I get back from holiday (unless the rest of this holiday is EXTREMELY boring). (I hate word limits)
(Same on the word limits) Please, Please, Please make MySQL not required! I am planing on getting a MySQL server hooked in but for most people it can be a hassle. Thanks and Happy Holidays!
MySQL would never be a requirement for this as smaller servers just don't need it. SQLite may be used as it takes no additional input from the user and a typical user can treat it as flat file but I'll probably always keep the flat file system alive.