c0mp when is bukkit downloads coming back i have been waiting now for it please send me a mail or something idk :P But you staffs please please hurry up fixing bukkit :)
I've been off the grid for a couple of months now, buying a new home and moving and such. Just turned the computer back on the other day and trying to get caught up with everything that's happened. I'm speechless. :(
Hello, c0mp. Can you unregister profile ''Rockyy975''. He registed but typed a error email and now can't login in this email and can't activate profile in bukkit forums. And he can't register again.
Can you close my thread? http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/connection-to-the-server.162589/#post-1771545
Sorry, been in the process of moving. Perhaps it'd be best for you to use the Bukkit Help section, as it states in the red box above.
comp can you please delete this post: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/how-to-get-more-players-on-your-minecraft-server.139504/ Its mine, people keep coming on my server and telling me how to get players.. and i dont need help anymore
- "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" - *Don't say doing your wife, don't say doing your wife, don't say doing your wife...* "Doing your....son?"
I would read the stickies here: http://forums.bukkit.org/forums/bukkit-help.6/ And if none of those are able to resolve the issue, create a new post with the required information so that myself or another community member can assist.
Hi, my plugin got over 2,300 download and lots of server use it but i am not sure why i get none rewards points can you help me getting some? Just tell me why i did not get also the link for the plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/nogriefers/ .
I'm not sure, I've never used the developer-portion of BukkitDev, so I couldn't begin to tell you what the issue is.
Anyway i found out what the problem was. I was supposed to press a button from my problem before get points.