
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by PvpMaster100, Jun 10, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Zombies+

    What I want: So, theres a lot of plugins like this but they are all out-dated or no-longer work. The thing I'm looking for is a way to set locations for zombies so they can spawn in random groups of 1-10 (or as much as you want). They would be attracted to you unless you sneak (or some other way). If you could please make this work with http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/crackshot/

    Ideas for commands:
    1. /Zombie add (name) - Sets locations for them to spawn on the block you are currently standing on
    2. /Zombies del (name) - Deletes the spawning location
    3. /Zombies setgroup (name) (number) - Sets the amount of zombies that spawns on that block)
    4. /Zombies setdamage (number) - Buffs the amount of damage zombies can do (please make them give you like slowness or blindness on hit)
    5. /Zombies sethealth (number) - Sets the max health for the zombie (EXAMPLE: /zombies sethealth 5 - Adds 5 extra hearts to the zombie)

    Ideas for permissions:
    No Permissions Needed - Only Ops Can Use This

    When I'd like it by: 6/12/16
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