Zombie Infection Mini Game

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by AgainstTheNight, Jan 28, 2017.

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    So I had (what I think is) an amazing idea for a fun little mini game plugin to make. Basically you have to survive a zombie outbreak for a couple minutes. If you get punched by a zombie you get infected, turn into a zombie and then you can infect people too. Every 1 in 10 (variable ratio) are starting zombies (infected at the start of the round). Every second you survive you gain points, every second you are a zombie you lose points. If you infect a survivor you steal a percentage of his score (variable percentage). And surviving the whole round gives you a bonus score (variable bonus). Your score sets your speed multiplier (ex. 5000 score = 2.13x speed, 100 score = 0.80x speed). Options for survivors to have weapons/armour in config. Maybe even a configurable store to spend your points on items (set so you keep the items until you get infected).

    I don't have the required skills to make this. But I really think this could be a popular mini game.

    Feel free to make this idea into a bukkit plugin. But if you do, please let me know so I can get it.

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