Youtube chat Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by mgmadnesstv, Oct 15, 2017.

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  1. Hi everyone i need a chat plugin for a faction server so like when a youtuber dose /yt that will activate yt chat
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @mgmadnesstv What does it do? How does it work? Permissions? Any other commands? Configuration?
  3. its abit like staff chat so insted of /sc /yt so the permission will be or something like that

    so its a seperate chat for youtubers

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    Please correct me if this is wrong
    The plugin will allow youtubers to talk in a youtuber only channel by doing ;/yt'. Somewhat like staffchat '/sc'


    /youtube (/yt) - Changes the commandsender to the youtube channel
    /youtube [player] (/yt [player]) - Changes the stated player to youtube channel

    Is that correct?
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    If the last post here is the case, I can get right on that. Be done in a jiffy
  6. yes that si what i want

    if u coudl make it i would appricate it

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2017
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    I changed this just a little bit.

    Channels tend to cause inconvenience when wanting to chat in two different channels at once. To fix this, I changed it to where if you want to send a message to the YouTube channel, all you need to do is type @<message> and send it. This cuts down on commands being sent as well as people sending messages to the wrong channel.

    The permissions are as follows (All of these are enabled by default to OP):
    youtubechat.* : Enables all plugin permissions

    youtubechat.use : Allows the player to use the @<message> feature for the YouTube channel
    youtubechat.see : Allows the player to see messages sent in the YouTube channel
    youtubechat.reload : Allows the player to reload the config
    youtubechat.command : Allows the player to use /youtube or /yt (Shows the help screen)

    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
    kalicat likes this.
  8. than
    tank you soo much
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