You are blacklisted from use this item here.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Krazy, Feb 28, 2012.

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    i get this error with MOBSPAWNER in ALL MAP.

    ItemList: #this is where you can create blacklists / whitelists
        DefaultList: #list name is not important, as long as it is unique. Its good to use a descripive name.
            #type of the list, can be blacklist, whitelist, or ignorelist
            Type: blacklist
            #If you want, you can have this list only apply to one world, otherwise it applys to all worlds
            #World: world
            #You can also have the list apply only to one group, otherwise it applys for all groups
            #Group: default
            #this is the actual list of material names that this list allows or dissallows
            #You can look up the material name by item ID in game by typing /res material <id>
            #Alternativly, you can simply use the item ID in the list, but its less descriptive and harder to see what the list allows or dissallows at a glance
    # Used to determine which major revision of Residence this config is from, dont change this.
    ResidenceVersion: 2
  2. Offline


    can you please provide the error(s) that you are getting? Thanks
  3. Offline


    Olá grizz (xD)

    Uso o residence em um server pessoal e meu config é assim e não tive problemas com ele:
    ItemList: #this is where you can create blacklists / whitelists
        DefaultList: #list name is not important, as long as it is unique. Its good to use a descripive name.
            #type of the list, can be blacklist, whitelist, or ignorelist
            Type: blacklist
            Group: default
              - 'BEDROCK'
              - 'LAVA'
              - 'WATER'
              - 'STATIONARY_LAVA'
              - 'STATIONARY_WATER'
              - 'MOB_SPAWNER'
        VipList: #list name is not important, as long as it is unique. Its good to use a descripive name.
            #type of the list, can be blacklist, whitelist, or ignorelist
            Type: blacklist
            Group: vip
    Teste deste jeito e veja se funciona. (Corrija, se necessário, os nomes dos groups)

    EDIT: Bem estranho ele não funcionar mesmo com 'all groups'
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