Wrong port returner

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by turtlelink2, Mar 16, 2011.

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    I recently changed the port my server is running on from 6119 to 25565 and what I was wondering is: can somone make a plugins that replies to a join request on the wrong port with "wrong port, the new one is (serverIP)"? Not for anyport, just 6119

    EG user logs in with serverip:6119
    instead of returning "unknown host" it returns "wrong port! just type (serverip).


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
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  3. Offline


    that would work, but seems memory intense for such a simple task
  4. Offline


    yeah tought so to but set priority to low if your using windows i used windows now linux i had a laggy shit server and no its no lag with mobs and animals and website and ftp ect.. :D
  5. Offline

    Edward Hand

  6. Offline


    Thank you il try this out right away =D

    Hmmm the ports unchangable, it keeps rewriting the value to 9999 when I change it...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2016
  7. Offline

    Edward Hand

    oops. Redownload. fixed now.
  8. Offline


    awesome, works now...one final request instead of the "Please connect to new port:25565" message can you make it customizable because 25565 is the default port can it say somthing like this instead? "Please connect to Turtleserverplay.tk"? I know I am asking alot =P
  9. Offline

    Edward Hand

    Ok. Done.
    you will need to add a new line to the config file (or delete it and it will regenerate correctly):
    server: 'your.server.url'
  10. Offline


    your the bestest person ever =D that's exactly what I wanted, now people wont quit just because they don't read announcements =/
  11. Offline


    Cool :D
  12. Offline


    Maybe it would be simpler to make a MC server simulator that just blocks anyone from connecting with a set message. Only would use cpu when someone was trying to connect.
  13. Offline

    Edward Hand

    That's what I did! (see previous posts)

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