Writing bukkit plugins in other languages than java

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mxE333xm, Jun 11, 2011.

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    I clicked through the forums a while ago, and I saw somebody saying that it is possible to write bukkit plugins in other languages than java. Due to the fact that my C++ Knowledge is much better than my java knowledge, I'm very interested whether there is a possibility to do that.

    Any ideas / tutorials / something else that might bring light into the darkness?
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    If you already know C++ well, learning java is a breeze. Seriously, C++ was my first ( and best ) language and I learned the command structure and syntax of java in less than 2 days. Learning about all of the api's and libraries available to you takes much longer, but if you understand the STL and how to use other libraries in C++, you can figure out how to learn the java libraries as you go.

    Edit: Seeing that you have the plugin developer tag, then it seems likely that you may already know java but are just asking about the possibility of doing it different anyways. If that's the case, ignore what I said, but I am not currently aware of other methods by which to program bukkit plugins, although they may perhaps exist, they are certainly not widely used.
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    Well, you can write java-to-c++ connector that would work as a server, and a client C++ plugin.
    But the easier way is to just learn java, it's not that hard.
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    I'm currently working on a Javascript plugin for Bukkit, you may as well wait for that.
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    Well, yes, writing the stuff in java isn't the problem^^ But I just wondered whether there was a possibility ;) But it seems not like there is one that doesn't contain much overhead.
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    Wouldn't this defeat the cross platform nature of Java? I'm sure the C++ code would need to be compiled so a windows binary wouldn't work in linux.. Seems it would just be better to just jump in with Java.

    I'm planning to start tinkering myself, I can understand Java source just fine and I'm a PHP developer primarily.
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    @Oneduality Maybe the developer only want support plugins for a specific operating system. Or (s)he generate plugins for different operating system. I would guess Windows, Linux and MacOS are the commonly used systems.

    And afaik is Bukkit build to support Plugin of any variant, as soon as there is adapter in between.

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    Yeah I suppose.. not ran into a platform specific plugin yet, just seems generally a bad idea.. especially if you've written something popular that now a whole branch of people can't use :) I can imagine the forum complaints already.

    To each their own.
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