WorldGuard Region PvP Flag Not Working

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by MakeMeBacon, Mar 3, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    When I flag my spawn region as pvp deny, players can still pvp.

    type: global
    priority: 0
    flags: {pvp: allow}
    owners: {}
    members: {}
    type: cuboid
    min: {x: 0.0, y: 96.0, z: -19.0}
    max: {x: 0.0, y: 125.0, z: 19.0}
    priority: 1000
    flags: {pvp: deny, invincible: allow}
    owners: {}
    members: {}
  2. Offline


    um just incase do this if u havent i have a second solution if this dosent work for u still
    /rg flag spawn pvp deny
  3. Offline


    jb42300 Yes I have already done this
  4. Offline


    ok then you mite need to update and delete world guard.jar and the folder then get back to me :D
  5. Offline


    jb42300 Already did that today.
  6. Offline



    Before u define the area did u do //expand vert
  7. Offline


    Set the priority of the region. /Region setpriority {region name} 50
    Although you can set a custom amount instead of 50.
  8. Offline


    I set the priority to 50 and did //expand vert. Still nothing.
    Spawn Picture ^
    My spawn at one point is lower than the middle. In that little area pvp is not allowed but one the other levels where you can fall off the edge, pvp is allowed
  9. Offline


    Have you set a parent and child region for that? Have the parent be the arena and the child be the inner part where you don't want PVP and for the parent make sure the flag is allow PVP and the child one deny PVP

    And to claim the parent if you just want the stone areas make sure your wand is set to poly (//wand poly)
  10. Offline


    The dimensions are screwed up. Both x coordinates are 0, so the region is only a single block wide.
  11. Offline


    ^ Ah yes he's right I skipped over that part whoops reselect the area and redo the flags.
  12. Offline


    So I dont need to do the parent thing?
    I dont understand how to fix my dimensions now.
  13. Offline


    Hey @MakeMeBacon the thing you posted is for global. make a new region first with first by hightlight with world edit then //expand vert then /rg define spawn then do /rg flag spawn pvp deny then it should be good. if that doesnt work please reply to me and i will come on your server and take a look at it.
  14. Offline


    bobin17231 I did exactly that. Its not public until im done, im running on hamachi and I dont want to take the chance of a DoS
  15. Offline



    type: global
    priority: 0
    flags: {pvp: allow} <---- fix this
    owners: {}
    members: {}
    type: cuboid
    min: {x: 0.0, y: 96.0, z: -19.0}
    max: {x: 0.0, y: 125.0, z: 19.0}
    priority: 1000
    flags: {pvp: deny, invincible: allow}
    owners: {}
    members: {}
  16. Offline


    I fixed this but the issue still remains

    What did I do wrong with the dimensions?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  17. Offline



    You made a 2 dimensional region. Think of the region as a 3 dimensional cube and define two opposite corners of it, it could be the lower north/western corner and the upper south/eastern corner of the region.
  18. Offline


    I have a square spawn and I selected the two opposite corners then did //expand vert
  19. Offline


    Make sure you make the square selection the parent and the smaller section where you do not want PVP to be enabled the child. After that set the priority of the child to 50 (/rg setpriority {Child Region Name} 50) and then flag the child region as PVP deny and the parent region as PVP allow
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