WorldGuard Pet

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by bronzzze, Apr 25, 2015.

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    public static Chicken chick;
        Player p;
        public ChickenEntity(Main main, Player p){
            this.main = main;
            this.p = p;
            chick = p.getLocation().getWorld().spawn(p.getLocation(), Chicken.class);
            chick.setCustomName(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&' , main.getConfig().getString("ChickenPetName").replaceAll("<player>", p.getName())));
            main.chickpet.put(p.getName(), chick);
    There is problem I want to spawn pet/entity on protected WorldGuard. I dont want other mobs spawing there only my pet. I used WorldGuard API but I have no idea how could I do this.
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    I was never doing with WorldGuard so I don't even know how to start. I wan't to check if region have MOB_SPAWNING DENY and then if it has it can still spawn only custom entity(pet) with command.
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    @bronzzze Get all applicable regions, set MOB_SPAWNING to true, spawn the entity, then turn it off again.
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        public void onSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent e) {
                WorldGuardPlugin wg = (WorldGuardPlugin) main.plugin;
                RegionManager rg = wg.getRegionManager(chick.getWorld());
                ApplicableRegionSet set = manager.getApplicableRegions(chick.getLocation());
    I tried something like this. But not sure what to do.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2015
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  6. Couldnt you just manually set the flags ? Also you could do something like on entity spawn check if the chicken is inside a region and cancel it .
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    Problem is its public plugin. I already finished all only this is problem. I will try to find methods for Worldguard.
  8. So you dont have to worry for that, if somebody wants to disable the pets on a region they must do it manually, i dont see any problem with that .
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