Question WorldGuard Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Veizzo, Jun 28, 2015.

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    I'm using the plugin WorldGuard and I have a pretty serious question that I can't seem to solve.
    I've disabled mob-spawning so no hostile mobs spawn but I wanted to have passive mobs spawn in one little area. I've tried making a new region inside the bigger region and then in the smaller region I allowed mob spawning... it didn't seem to work. I want to have an area where only passive mobs can spawn as I'm placing Mob Spawners there to allow players to get food, wool etc. So, if you could help me on this, that would be awesome! :)
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    I'm not 100% sure on the mob spawning, but I can tell you how to properly set up a region inside another region :)

    First, as you've done, make a region inside another region. Then use the commands /rg setpriority <biggerregion> 1 and /br setpriority <smallerregion> 5. This will make it so that any flags set in the smaller region will override the same flags in the larger region. You can use different numbers for the 1 and 5, as long as the number for the small inner region is larger. I like to leave space in between incase I make a region that I want to override the bigger region but be a child to the smaller one. Then you should be able to set mob-spawning to true in the smaller and false in the larger. Jut make sure to keep the smaller one lit up enough ;)

    Hope this helps!
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