Solved WorldGuard help

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Tut, Mar 24, 2015.

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    I've encountered a slight problem with WorldGuard and how it handles the flag exit.
    I have a little area sanctioned off for our hubworld, before being taken to another server using bungeecord. In the screenshot, you can see this small area.
    Picture (open)

    However, I want to build a small tutorial hut/area seen here, and I can't actually leave the area because I probably have something set up wrong with exit flags. I want them to use the warp sign also pictured in the screenshot, but since I can't leave the area, the warp does not work even with proper permissions. Even an OP teleporting them there, or giving them essentials.* does not work.
    Second / Third Picture (open)
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    @Tut Well if the region is flagged with exit deny, then teleporting out, walking out, etc, won't work.
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    Is there anything I could do to accomplish what I'm looking for?
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    @Tut Create a few regions like "walls", and flag each of those with entry deny.
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    Alright. Thanks.
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    @Tut Glad I could help!
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