Hello, I have a server for some time now. It is very complicated to explain everything that goes on in the server so I will just ask an answer for the problem. I have made a Protected Region with Worldguard so people cannot break blocks/grief. However they can still place blocks and jump on them, this way they can jump up 5 block high, I need some fix so they cannot break blocks and walk through them and neither place blocks under them so they can jump over walls. If anyone has a solution for this then I appreciate your help, however I do not accept an answer like: "Just make your wall higher then" or "Thicken your wall up". Thanks for reading I appreciate all help.
They cannot place blocks, the blocks just dissapear. But they stay long enough for the Player to jump on them or and place another block so they can jump 4/5 blocks high. This is not lagg this is just a bugg in WorldGuard and WorldEdit, I just need some sort of solution.
It's always been like this, their client places them up in the air before the server (or WorldGuard) has a chance to say "No!". The more lag, the higher they can get.
Well I'd just tell them to stop it. They are clearly trying to circumvent your server rules here. You can add a WG notification that tells you if they entered the area inside the walls, like a second region inside the walls, with the notify flag. To my knowledge, there's no real fix for this, as it is just simple client-server lag, even if the server doesn't lag, a fast clicker can place a block or two and make his client lift him up.
use worldguard, and make a second region surrounding the protected region, that has entry disallowed.
That solution would stop them from moving and would totally bug I already tried. Is there no way that they would just be pulled down or fall through the block they tried to put down ? No other solutions ? Maybe even something that would kick them for trying to place too many blocks in the area ? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I also have this problem, need to stop people from entering an area, but once they're in (by teleporting in) i want them to be able to move.
i simply surrounded the region with 4 other "border" regions that you cant move though. worked perfectly on my server.