WorldGuard and SuperPerms groups

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by yttriuszzerbus, Nov 8, 2011.

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    I'm helping someone set up a server, and they want two groups, with separate towns. I looked into Factions, but it seems overkill, so my question is: can a permissions group be added as a member of a WorldGuard region, and what permissions plugin would I need to do that.
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    You just use the node groups.groupname if using superperms to substitute for this.
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    So I give the permissions group of the members of town 1 group.town1 and do /region addmember townregion town1?
    Oh and I'm using bPermissions, if that's any use.
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    I'm adding to regions.yml:

    ......groups: [members]

    why members groups still have no access to it?
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