WorldEdit Empty Spaces in chat!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xXZakCraftXx, Apr 28, 2012.


Should I just get rid of itt or wait for it to be solved?

Poll closed Apr 28, 2013.
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  2. Nope

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    2012-04-28_19.45.30.png 2012-04-29_01.05.26.png Hey guys I have been having trouble with my server and it's worldedit, it seems to be putting empty spaces in the chat. Yes, I have tried testing it to see if it was other plugins...well it's not. I have also tried the updated version I would like some help as soon as possible
  2. Offline


    spaces? what exactly do you mean? Like text is being type out l i k e t h i s ?
    Or something else? Please post a screenshot so we can determine what the issue is
  3. Offline


    Ya posted a few pics hope i find a cure
  4. Offline


    i got it too when i join after server join message its like

    "join message" < line 1
    "enter" < line 2
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    Hey and if anyone wants to join my server my ip is
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    seems like i'm not the only one having this problem... can anyone help?
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    Well those 2 lines signify the activation for WECUI, iirc a config option was added.
    EDIT: yeah, its called disable handshake.
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