world_nether - 10x more files suddenly - Please help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by clownfish, Apr 7, 2012.

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    ***My Bukkit Server Details***
    1. OS: Win7 64bit
    2. x64 architecture
    3. Java Version: 1.6.0_21 / Jave SE RunTime Env: build 1.6.0_21-b07
    4. Not running any server wrappers
    5. Craftbukkit I'm using: craftbukkit-1.1-R3 (CB 1846).jar
    6. Starting my server with the following in a .bat file:
    Echo OFF
    IF /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE:~-2%"=="64" "%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xms6G -Xmx7G -jar "craftbukkit-1.1-R3 (CB 1846).jar"
    IF /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE:~-2%"=="86" java -Xms6G -Xmx7G -jar "craftbukkit-1.1-R3 (CB 1846).jar"
    7. Plugins running: Essentials w/ group manager, Falsebook, Worldedit, Worldguard, iconomy, multiverse, lavafurnace, chestshop, myhome
    8. What error am I getting: Server log file is attached, but my concern is the world_nether file and it's number of files. (see attached server log.txt)
    9. What have I tried?: I have tried to run the newest MCEdit to open this world_nether but it won't open it. (using this version of MCEDIT: MCEdit-0.1.0-10-gbcf7.win32)

    Stats on this world_nether file:
    • it's been protected with the same circular radius WorldBorder plugin of: 3100 (same as main world) for about 6 months
    • It and all of my world files are backed up with a batchfile script using 7zip command lines into .zip files
    • world_nether folder on Dec 18th 2011 was: 161MB in size and contained 237 files total.
    • world_nether folder on Jan 18th 2012 was: 224MB in size and contained 276 files total.
    • world_nether folder on Feb 18th 2012 was: 343MB in size and contained 13,164 files total.
      • What happened with the 13k file count jump from Jan to Feb? I'm not sure, perhaps it was a new mc map system. WorldBorder plugin breech?
      • In comparison my main 'world' map on Jan 18th was 913MB and 12,742 file and on Feb 18th was 931MB and 14,534MB
    • world_nether folder on Feb 22th 2012 was: 353MB in size and contained 14,222 files total.
    • world_nether folder on Feb 23rd 2012 was: 368MB in size and contained 16,018 files total.
      • Quick jump in total number of files 2,000-ish last there entries above. This seems odd.
    • world_nether folder on Feb 24rd 2012 was: 651MB in size and contained 47,416 files total.
      • It nearly doubles in size and even more than double in total number of files, from one day to the next. Wow!
    • world_nether folder on Feb 25th 2012 was: 927MB in size and contained 81,052 files total.
      • Backup takes forever on 'world_nether' folder. This is the last backup I could make.
      • This 'world_nether' folder to this day still works, but I cannot back it up in a zip file. It also takes forever to just 'copy' and 'paste' the folder. What happened?
      • In comparison my main 'world' map on Feb 25th was 945MB and only 16,273 files. (file size similar, but overall folder size is similar)
    • Today my world_nether folder on April 7th 2012 is: 1.40GB in size and contains 150,172 files total!
      • So what is going on with this world? What is this phenomenon?

    I have 12 other world files running on my server. All are just fine and perfectly stable.

    My server automatically backs up 2x daily. It has been running 24/7 since Oct 2010. I automatically backup my world files 2x daily. All have been a very reasonable size and they are limited by the bukkit WorldBorder plugin. I noticed my backups taking incredible long on only the 'world_nether' map one day. It's has 7 times the number of file that my main 'world' (largest) has. I tried to load up 'world_nether' with the latest MCeditMCEdit-0.1.0-10-gbcf7.win32), but it doesn't want to load 'nether or the end' maps.

    For starts has anyone see this phenomenon with their 'world_nether' map?

    I can just restore this world to a few months back, but I'd like to know why this happened.

    Is there anything bukkit server admins can do to prevent this and fix it?

    Are there any tools for bukkit server owners to verify the integrity of their maps?

    Thank you for you time and input!

    Attached Files:

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    You sure the jump from Jan to Feb wasn't because of the map format change? I am just shooting in the dark but other than storage whats the problem?

    Is this causing any actual issues or are you just trying to solve something that's not "really" an issue?

    Just some of my thoughts, if I saw this on my server I don't think it would bug me unless its player effecting :)
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    vapid2323 - Yes I think the jump from Jan to Feb is the official MC map format change. Yea, to be more clear storage isn't the problem. The problem is the 'Total number of files' is so high in this map that it takes 8 mins to backup 1 world, where as my other largest 2 year old 'world' map only takes 45 seconds. Somethings not right. It's like a corrupt 'world_nether' that is exponentially larger than worlds bigger and more detailed than it is.

    My largest main world map (2 years old-daily) consist of only 16,000 files. It large, but not too hard to backup. This 'world_nether' file on the other had is 150,000 files now and takes forever to backup. How many files are in your largest world folder right now? Just curious.

    Doing backups 2x daily, I try to keep my downtime minimal - under 5 mins.

    It just seems something is wrong with this map. I hate to ditch it because it is so well developed, but I can roll back. It's odd that in 3 days it suddenly grew 5x it's size in 'number of files'. 14,000 files seems normal and quick to backup ... 150,000 way to large for a 6200x6200 world. I could be wrong, but this does seem odd.

    **Edit .. quick update.. my 'world_nether' doubled in size after v1.2.5 map conversion.. now it's 300,000 files... Geesh** .. Does anyone else have maps with this many files in 1 world file folder? **

    Are there any tools to check or fix corrupt world files?

    Thanks for you time and input! :)
  4. Offline


    I am guessing you don't have a SSD to toss into that server? I would add one ASAP but other than that, it sounds like something is duplicating or causing backups of some sort.

    Check your cron jobs and lookup any backups you might run with a script. That would be a starting spot for me.
  5. just out of big is your server all together?
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    @MacintoshMan@McAtlantis - Here are the basic stats on how big my server is: Total of 14 world/map folders (using the Multiverse plugin) // Total number of in all of the world files only: 335,744 // Total size of all the world files only: 16.9 GB ((but when I compress them to .zip files each day they reduce in size a lot)) // Have had my server running every day, 24/7, since October 15th, 2010.

    @vapid2323 - No I don't have a SSD at this time. I had considered getting one a year ago, but I got mixed reviews on using them for MC servers. Some brands didn't seem to be reliable enough and others created odd lag issues. Have you had good luck with using SSD's? If yes, what brand/model has worked for you?

    About the 'cron jobs' I'll check into that and any kind of scheduled backups. I'm not sure what's going on, but I'll report back once I know more. Thank you very much for your time!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
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    Nathan C

    Er what?

    There is no way it should create lag, unless the SSD you are buying is slower than your hard drive..
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