I made a region via Worldguard, in a spawn and I want to make smaller regions in the Spawn region for player shops. But when I make it and type /region addmember shop (name) the player can't break the block in the region shop. Help, please someone D: EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Heard it has some thing to do with making a region a parent. Here it is http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldGuard/Regions/Introduction /region setparent child parent EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
This. So, set a region that covers the whole area of the spawn. Then make all the smaller regions that you want your players to be able to build and make shops in. /region setparent [player shop region name] [spawn region name] Then you can do /region addmember [player shop region name] [player] I hope that makes sense.
This is how i do it: 1st select sign and chest with wooden axe (1 with left click 1 with right click) 2nd /region claim shop1 (name it how u want) 3rd /region setparent shop1 spawn (spawn region name) 4th /region addowner shop1 playername then player can destroy sign and put it himself and open chest. Hope this helps.