World Guard Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by fccardiff, May 12, 2012.

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    Hey, I need some help with WorldGuard.
    What I need to do is have spawn protected, but allow certain subregions in spawn to be built.

    So, what I've succeeded in so far is protecting spawn. There are a few owners, one of which I'll name Player1. Player1 is OP, and also is a PermissionsEX admin.

    In a sub region called Shop1 within spawn, I made it so that you can construct in it if you are a member. I made a player in the default group (Player2) a member so that he could build, but it won't let him. My spawn protection in Bukkit.yml is set to 0. How can I fix this, and allow player2 to only build in that area inside of spawn? I already set it as a child of spawn with a higher priority. Thanks.
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    world guard + world edit from start to end

    have 1 empty slot in action slot

    now type
    so selecting tool will appear

    select with left and right click area/cuboid
    there is no difference which will be 1st left or right click

    //expand vert
    to stretch/rise size of selection from bedrock to sky (you dont need to do it if you protect deep and high enough)

    /region define NAME
    /region define plot
    and puff area is protected no 1 except ops and users with
    - worldguard.*
    will be able to build there

    /region addmember NICK
    /region addowner NICK
    /region removemember NICK
    to add or remove someone to build in that region or to set owner

    now parent children system

    you now know how to make plots so you make 2 plots

    1 called hmm lets say zeroplot < a small plot for me where i can build in your server
    you need to
    /region addmember ZeroX4
    so i can build there

    now you make big plot called town < for example can be called anything else and it need to cover zeroplot so zeroplot is insinde twon plot

    now after you created it i wont be able to build in town plot area as well as in zeroplot cause you need to set parent and child

    /region setparent CHILD PARENT
    /region setparent zeroplot town

    now i can build in zeroplot but i cant build outside of it in town plot
  3. Offline


    Alright, I already did all this though. All the way up to setting parents and priorities for the Shop1 plot inside spawn. The thing is, even as a member and owner, a default player cannot build there.

    Thanks for your help so far though ;D

    Also, in addition, when I give Player2 (the default one) worldguard.* permissions, he also can't build. Is this a different plugin? Maybe that's the cause.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  4. Offline


    do you set up flags ? build flags ? if yes dont do it remove your regions and recreate them but dont use build flags
  5. Offline


    Didn't use any Build flags.

    I did setup flags though. Here's what I setup:

    Spawn region:
    Construct - None
    PvP - Deny
    TnT - Deny
    Lighter - Deny
    Use - Allow
    Mob-spawning - Deny
    Greeting set
    Leave message set
    Lightning - Deny
    Snowfall - deny
    iceform - deny
    leaf decay - deny
    potion splash - deny
    blocked commands - /mc (magiccarpet)
    Priority level 0

    Global Region:
    construct - all
    tnt - deny
    lighter - deny
    creeper-explosions - deny
    enderman-greifing - deny
    lightning - deny
    chestshop - deny

    The Shop (plot I want a user to be able to build on) aka Shop1:
    construct - members
    chestshop - allow

    Priority level 20

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
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    create new region on some un defined land and see if it will work cause i think you trying to do it on defined region
  7. Offline


    I am. Am I supposed to make the small region first?

    I need the shop inside spawn so its like spawn is the protected region then the smaller region is the child region with protection against everyone else but a single player who owns it

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  8. Offline


    no its no matter which is 1st and which is 2nd there is matter which is parent and which is child

    in parent they should not be able to build but in child they should be able and i never used world guard more than just setting parent and child so if you got problem with other features make new thread named properly so maybe someone who did it before can help you with it

    but 1st try with only worldguard plugin in plugins folder to exclude plugin conflict

    ow with chestshop and spawn you need to set radius of your spawn protection to 0 i believe

    in bukkit folder you need to go to bukkit.yml and in there change spawn protection from 16 to 0

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  9. Offline


    okay yea ill ask someone if theyve had the same problem, because I have set parent and child.

    also did that :D
  10. Offline


    If you still hadn't figured it out, Your'e problem is that you haven't set the constuction flag for the Inner region (Shop1) to OWNER, the command would be /region flag Shop1 construct owner, Hope that helped if you didn't already find the solution ;)
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    Bouche Dag.

    Thank you very much!
    I was wondering what the problem was!

    Just to give a general overview for people who face the same problem:

    • In this map we have a city [City].
    • The city is protected by WorldGuard.
    • We sell plots in this city.
    • My own plot is [BoucheHouse].
    • I have the flag [build DENY] in [City].
    • I had set priorities for both [City] (50) and [BoucheHouse] (60).
    • I couldn't build in [BoucheHouse] D:
    • I created the flag [construct member] in [BoucheHouse].
    • I added myself [BoucheDag] as a member to [BoucheHouse]
    • I can now build in my plot!
    Hope it helps for anyone who's still looking for a solution!
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