Problem/Bug World Guard - Help. Messages for grief.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Wumfie, Apr 27, 2016.

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  1. Offline


    Most servers running world guard 6.1 and have a message when you mine a block that says: Hey! Sorry, but you cant break that block here.
    Or change or place.

    On my world guard it says: Sorry, but you are not permitted to do that here.
    I'm puzzled about why the default message wasn't the one that says "hey sorry" but says 'Sorry, but you are not permitted to do that here.' if you mine, place or use something.

    Please reply if you know a possible fix.

    Sorry for bad English.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2016
  2. Offline


    If i understand this right, you want to change the deny worldguard message?
    If yes, go to worldguard config file and try to locate the line which says build-permission-nodes and there changing the deny-message to what you want.
  3. Offline


    Shouldn't "Hey! Sorry, but you cant break that block here." be the default message.
    If I enable build permission nodes it stops you from mining anything if it is protected or not.
    Anyway thank you for your help.
  4. Offline


    Do you already have the latest version of Worldguard? If you do, that seems odd that it wouldn't update the message, unless you have to delete your whole configuration file first.
  5. Offline


    It is now being even more strange. I disabled build-permission-nodes and it says 'Hey sorry but you cant use that here'
    when you mine purper block only. Strange?
  6. Offline


    I think it is something to do with the version... I want to get v 6.1.2
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