Solved World Generation using Schematics

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Dragonphase, Feb 8, 2014.

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    I have been currently attempting to generate the entirety of a world using one schematic as a template. I have managed to load the schematic into the plugin using WorldEdit and generate it with a ChunkGenerator and BlockPopulator; however, only blocks that are located at both x > 0 and z > 0 will generate the schematic correctly. The picture below may suffice to explain what I mean by this:


    The schematic used to generate this world is shown elevated in the following picture:


    The top-left corner of the image shows the schematic being pasted correctly, the top-right corner is mirrored, and each corner converges around the block on the cursor. I would like for the top-left corner to be repeated on all sides, without a centre point or any mirroring.

    The source for this code is available here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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    Maybe you can use the WorldEdit API?
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    I am, to store the schematic in memory.
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    So you can load the schematics with the WorldEdit API to?
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    The link to the source code is in the main post, please refer to that. In the main file's onEnable function, the schematic is loaded in MCEdit format and stored in a CuboidClipboard object.


    Solved - schematic pasting where Z or X is less than 0 had to be offset by 1 block. As for the data issues, they are not solved to the best of standards but for the purpose of the plugin, the main issue was stair orientation, where stair data had to be swapped

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
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