World fucked up after update

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by undefinedarray, Feb 22, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Hi, after updating the craftbukkit to 1.3, and after converting the world, I noticed that my spawn is at a different location(or my spawn is gone), and that some house are cut in half, is this going to be fixed? Because me and my friends have spent days building the massive stuff we have, and anyone know why this has happened?
  2. Offline


    hrm... I hope you backed it up [​IMG]
  3. Offline


    you should always back your stuff up mate......
  4. Offline


    Bukkit is still in development and things like this - although VERY rare - do happen. That is why it is advised to keep backups of your world.

  5. Offline


    Restore a backup!
  6. Offline


    And how does one go by fixing this problem, if there were no back ups made?
  7. Offline


    Rebuilding and resetting spawn using one of the spawn setting plugins
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