Working SilkSpawner for 1.21

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MikaelOverby, Jul 5, 2024.

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    I just want a simple SilkSpawner plugin.
    Tried some plugins but with those, I can mine and collect spawners with and without silk touch. Note that I use some vanilla tweaks on my server, but never had this problem in 1.19 papermc java.

    What im looking for:
    - Spawner mined with silk touch on a pickaxe, will drop. If you are not using silk touch, it will be destroyed.
    - When mined, the spawner will drop on the ground.
    - If its a zombie spawner for an example, it will show its name as "zombie spawner" in inventory.

    Version: 1.21 java papermc
    Name: SilkSpawner
    Command: always active

    Thanks you so much :D
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    @MikaelOverby This seemed pretty simple, so I gave it a try. This is untested, so please do let me know if you encounter any errors or problems.
    You can download it from Dropbox here.
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    @KarimAKL Hi, unfortunately i couldnĀ“t make it work. Would not un zip in the plugin folder on the server either. Let me know if you can make it work for you, or if Im the one struggling.

    Attached Files:

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    @MikaelOverby Sorry for the inconvenience.
    I just installed the new Minecraft version to test it. There were a few problems, including how a player in survival mode couldn't place a spawner with a mob type.
    I have now fixed them all and gotten it working. You can download the file from Dropbox here.
    Additionally, I made the spawner not drop experience if picked up using silk touch. Otherwise, it would be a good source of infinite experience points.
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    @KarimAKL When i got to the link, this is what showen up. the plugin wont open when added to my server. not really sure why. do you have any other way to share it?

    Attached Files:

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You don't open it, you just download it and throw it in the plugins folder
    KarimAKL likes this.
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