Wondering if possible -- Connect to another server using an in-game command?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by LeeTheENTP, Aug 25, 2013.

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    I know this seems a little far-fetched, but I was wondering if it was possible to say, be on my server, and type a command that disconnects you from my server and logs you into my friend's server. I know I could make a server network using BungeeCord, but doing it that way would be overkill as we don't need a hub server and any of the other features BungeeCord provides.

    If possible, the plugin would simply have one player command: /connect <address> (or something like that) that defaults to everyone as well as has a permission in case one is ever needed.

    An admin command could be to reload the config, in which aliases could be stored for server addresses, and whether or not aliases are enabled. For instance, when someone does /connect fbcsc they're taken to my server, FBC SurvivalCraft (hence "fbcsc"). This would of course default to OPs and have a permission node as well.

    Since my server is graylisted (uses a whitelist that anyone can apply for, not just friends), it would be great for the plugin to give them the message they receive if someone who isn't graylisted tried to connect.

    If this is possible I think the possibilities would be endless and many people would benefit from it.
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    Locked. This is not possible in bukkit as stated here, which you should have read before posting.
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