Filled Wizard Staff Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by BananaBiscuits, Apr 26, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Minecraft version: 1.11.2

    Suggested name: doesn't matter

    What I want: I want a plugin that changes the hoes into wizard staffs. just something simple like it shoots particle effects and it does damage. and also I don't want the wood hoe to be used just the stone, iron, gold, and diamond. stone is least damage, than iron, than gold, and best is diamond.
    and if not too much trouble I'd like to have a GUI where you can buy them for a configurable price.

    Ideas for commands: /wands reload

    Ideas for permissions: player.wizard

    When I'd like it by: as soon as you can
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    @BananaBiscuits You need to explain everything in detail so we can know exactly what you want.
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    Can you give more solid examples; do you want this to happen with any hoe, or just the ones bought; what spells do you need; is the spell different for each hoe, or just more powerful with each passing wand? I could probably code something but I need these questions to be answered first.
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    Oh sorry for not explaining, I only want magic on the Hoes you buy, Probably want crafting of Hoes disabled. For the lowest Staff, the stone hoe, probably just want a damage spell that just hurts players and mobs. then I want the next most powerful staff to be the golden hoe, not iron, for this on I just want damage again but more powerful.
    Then for the Iron, I want maybe like a fire thing that sets players and mobs on fire.
    then for the Diamond i want like a freezing kind of thing where when you shoot people it damages them and slows them down, and maybe you could add frost walker to it too.

    Also i want the permission there so that only a certain group (wizard group) can use them.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2017
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    @BananaBiscuits You still need to explain more. How much damage does each of them do? What is the fire thing and how does it work? What is the freezing thing and how does it work?
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    well I thought damage was going to be configurable but if you need to know what I was thinking then I guess like the first one takes 2 hearts of damage, then the second is 3 hearts and so on. for fire and freezing stuff I was thinking like fire aspect or whatever like it sets a person on fire and keeps damaging them. and for freezing I just want it where it slows them down when it hits them and keeps damaging them.
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    @BananaBiscuits Just to verify, do you hit people or do you shoot something at them?
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    you shoot. like maybe you could make the magic bullet thing with particle effects.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    well, I want them to be on hoes because of the resource pack I have and crackshot only goes on horse armor.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Last edited: Apr 27, 2017
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    bump, anyone going to do this?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @BananaBiscuits Could you post your config then?
    Because what you want is pretty much a crackshot copy.
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    well I deleted it, and its not really a crackshot copy because crackshot doesn't use GUI and I don't think you can add effects like frost walker and such to crackshot guns
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2017
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