[WIP] [WGEN] WhateverHappenedToSkylands (WHTS) v1.0 [1.3.1]

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by codename_B, Aug 17, 2012.

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    After finally having some success with 3d terrain generation, I thought to myself "skylands!".


  2. Offline


    Ooh. Looking good. Perhaps a larger horizontal scale and higher amplitude?
    codename_B likes this.
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    I'm also tapering off the noise with a displacement to give nice rounded tops :D

    package de.bananaco.gen;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Random;
    import org.bukkit.Material;
    import org.bukkit.World;
    import org.bukkit.generator.BlockPopulator;
    import org.bukkit.util.noise.SimplexOctaveGenerator;
    import de.bananaco.gen.populator.*;
    public class ChunkGenerator extends org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator {
        double scale = 24.0; //how far apart the tops of the hills are
        double threshold = 0.0; // the cutoff point for terrain
        int middle = 64; // the "middle" of the road
        List<BlockPopulator> pops = new ArrayList<BlockPopulator>();
        public ChunkGenerator() {
            pops.add(new CavePopulator());
            pops.add(new OrePopulator());
            pops.add(new DungeonPopulator());
            pops.add(new LapisRing());
            pops.add(new LakePopulator());
            pops.add(new LakeAndCreek());
            pops.add(new Sandifier());
            pops.add(new SugarcanePopulator());
            pops.add(new WildGrassPopulator());
            pops.add(new MelonPopulator());
            pops.add(new PumpkinPopulator());
            pops.add(new FlowerPopulator());
            pops.add(new TreePopulator());
            pops.add(new WaterLily());
        public List<BlockPopulator> getDefaultPopulators(World world) {
            return pops;
         * Gets a block in the chunk. If the Block section doesn't exist, it allocates it.
         * [y>>4] the section id (y/16)
         * the math for the second offset confuses me
        byte getBlock(int x, int y, int z, byte[][] chunk) {
            if (chunk[y>>4] == null)
                chunk[y>>4] = new byte[16*16*16];
            if (!(y<=256 && y >= 0 && x <= 16 && x >= 0 && z <= 16 && z >= 0))
                return 0; //Out of bounds
            try {
                return chunk[y>>4][((y & 0xF) << 8) | (z << 4) | x];
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return 0;
         * Sets a block in the chunk. If the Block section doesn't exist, it allocates it.
         * [y>>4] the section id (y/16)
         * the math for the second offset confuses me
        void setBlock(int x, int y, int z, byte[][] chunk, Material material) {
            if (chunk[y>>4] == null)
                chunk[y>>4] = new byte[16*16*16];
            if (!(y<=256 && y >= 0 && x <= 16 && x >= 0 && z <= 16 && z >= 0))
                return; //Out of bounds
            try {
                chunk[y>>4][((y & 0xF) << 8) | (z << 4) | x] = (byte)material.getId();
            } catch (Exception e) {
        //Generates block sections. Each block section is 16*16*16 blocks, stacked above each other. //There are world height / 16 sections. section number is world height / 16 (>>4)
        //returns a byte[world height / 16][], formatted [section id][Blocks]. If there are no blocks in a section, it need not be allocated.
        public byte[][] generateBlockSections(World world, Random rand,
                int ChunkX, int ChunkZ, BiomeGrid biomes) {
            Random random = new Random(world.getSeed());
            SimplexOctaveGenerator gen = new SimplexOctaveGenerator(random, 8);
            byte[][] chunk = new byte[world.getMaxHeight() / 16][];
            gen.setScale(1/scale); //The distance between peaks of the terrain. Scroll down more to see what happens when you play with this
            double threshold = this.threshold; //scroll down to see what happens when you play with this.
            int smidle = middle-32;
            int mmidle = middle+32;
            for (int x=0;x<16;x++) {
                for (int z=0;z<16;z++) {
                    int real_x = x + ChunkX * 16;
                    int real_z = z + ChunkZ * 16;
                    // first we create our terrain
                    for (int y=smidle; y<mmidle; y++) {
                        double noise = gen.noise(real_x, y, real_z, 0.5, 0.5);
                        double variable = (y-middle)/17.0; // this will generate the offset
                        variable = Math.abs(variable); // skylands?
                        noise = noise - variable; // scale the terrain    
                        if(noise > threshold) //explained above
                            setBlock(x, y, z, chunk, Material.STONE);
                    // now we want to (sensibly) turn the surfaces into grass and dirt in a very pretty looking way
                    for (int y=smidle; y<mmidle; y++) {
                        int id = getBlock(x, y, z, chunk);
                        int idu = getBlock(x, y+1, z, chunk);
                        if(id != 0 && idu == 0) {
                            setBlock(x, y, z, chunk, Material.GRASS);
                            if(getBlock(x, y-1, z, chunk) != 0)
                                setBlock(x, y-1, z, chunk, Material.DIRT);
                            if(getBlock(x, y-2, z, chunk) != 0)
                                setBlock(x, y-2, z, chunk, Material.DIRT);
            return chunk;
    jtjj222 answer your q?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
    jtjj222 likes this.
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    yep thanks :D
  5. Offline


    Any news on this?
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    I haven't done any more messing with the scale, and so I haven't developed this any further than the current screenshot.
    I'll do a release of it as soon as I've got some free time to mess with the scale again.
    jtjj222 likes this.
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