[WIP] iSpells - A "full of action" spells project [1.2.5-R1.0/Spout]

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by thehutch, Feb 17, 2012.

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    === iSpells ===

    What is iSpells?

    iSpells is a plugin which I have been working on for sometime and I thought i'd just show the development part of it. At the moment this plugin is not even ready for release but I thought that it would be cool to have people see it whilst it is in development so the community can ask for suggestions pre-release.​



    There will be a lot of features in iSpells, some however will take a more conciderable amount of time to complete. However I do plan to have atleast 90% of these features complete before release, nevertheless I might release alpha/beta builds​
    • Custom damage system:
      • I plan to do a revamp of the damage system to allow fighting to be improved and not for people to die from 1 creeper blast.
    • External Spells:
      • If you have any developers on your server then they will easily be able to use the API i'll create to make their own custom spells using the "easy" to use API and all the tools and mechanics I supply in the API.
    • Custom Items:
      • I will add custom items such as staffs and spellbooks into the game using Spout, these items will allow players to increase their stats and overcome any enemy in the battlefield.
    • * SpellBook GUI:
      • ** //When you open your Spellbook, you'll be able to read about all of the spells you have unlocked aswell as icons which will give a vivid image of the spell and a description customisable by the admin.//
    • Potions:
      • Potions will allow the user to replenish their health and mana even whilst in combat
    • Spell types:
      • Instant Spells:
        • These spells will be cast immediately when the user cast's the spell, often damage spells like LightningStrike or Fireball, however these spells will have cooldowns to reduce spamming (Ignorecooldown allowed by permissions)
      • Channeled Spells:
        • Channeled spells are initiated by the user then whilst the player is casting they cannot move or cast any other spells. These spells will be for spells like teleportation and summoning.
      • Buff Spells:
        • Buff spells are spells which are applied to a caster and those around them if they are auras which can increase their stats, buffs will be visually displayed on the users HUD with the countdown timer next to it.
    • Redesigned player HUD:
      • The new HUD will replace the default HUD for Spoutcraft users only. It will show a visual representation of the users current stats, for example their new health, mana bar, buffs and currently selected spell.
  2. Offline


    Make the spell system modular, easiest way is to have each spell as its own plugin with a depend on this plugin and auto register itself
  3. Offline


    This is how it works. the developer basically creates a single .jar containing a "spell.yml" just like the plugin.yml for bukkit plugins which contains the main of the spell and that class must extends Spell or a subclass (InstantSpell, ChannelledSpell, BuffSpell etc...)
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    pics or it didnt happen
    gameswereus likes this.
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    What picutres?
    If you're asking about pictures of the content so far, unfortunately there isn't any graphics I could give you yet since the casting system isn't up yet, though if you're good enough with code you could read the github and visualize it in your head :D
  6. Offline


    good to hear, I have seen a lot of spell api's go through bukkit and get dropped because the coded in the information into the plugin.
    thehutch likes this.
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    Does anyone have any suggestions for spells or some effects they would like added? Or even any other feature? Also if you're a developer any useful methods you want added for the API, I have added some useful Area of Effect methods.
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    Ok updated github for the night :D

    Also if you want to track this project I usually update nightly or sometimes when I finish a section :D

    Also the code is mostly messy but before release I will clean it all up don't worry :p
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    So since I have had the last week off I decided to start back on this project. Because everything was kinda all over the place, I decided to re-code it all and now I have a large chunk of the core coding done.

    • Add in all the pre-made spells
    • Complete the spell leveling mechanics
    • Complete the custom damage system + mana system
    • Start the Player HUD
    • Complete the SpellBook API and design
    • Add in Custom weapons + items (Need artists :D )
    • Test the external API and setup
    • And finally ... get the spell casting system running smootly :p
    Overall I think about 60% is completed. Although this isn't my main focus at the moment it is a big project I am working on and might not be done for weeks/months, but if uses want features to be added pre-release then please post below and i'll be sure to add them as a gift (As long as it is possible :p)
  10. I made the book!
  11. Offline


    You drew it :O good point :p i'll add you as an artist to the helpers list.
  12. Offline


    I optimized the spell loader system :(
  13. Offline


    Thank you for that aswell, quite a good improvement actually.
    Darkman2412 likes this.
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    Healing spell two separate ones.(One spell to heal yourself another to heal your partner) Also add poison arrows etc.Can't wait for this to be released.
  15. Offline


    Thank you very much for thet healing spells, i'll most likely add a group healing aswell. I don't see why the poison arrows would be difficult aswell :D.

    In addition I have been working on this quite a lot because of study leave for exams :D, the external spell loading system is full functional and spells will load and cast correctly. I added in a player leveling system which needs tweaking so if anyone has a good xp forumla which increases with levels that would be awesome.

    So overall I have added these things:

    • External Spell loading.
    • Level/XP system
    • Added both SQLite and MySQL support
    • Added start of Attributes
      • Intelligence:
        • Increase mana and decreases mana cost on spells
      • Wisdom:
        • Increases spell damage/buff duration/decreases channeling time
      • Fortitude:
        • Increases player health and decreases damage taken
    • Added coloured names to items which can be customised in the items.yml file
    I also have some requests. If anyone here is good good at texture drawing I require some textures for items since I am no artist ;( , at the moment I require:
    • 3 spellbooks: (normal,life and death ones)
    • Staff rod (The stick part of a staff)
    • Staff (A normal looking staff)
    I will in the futre probably add a lot more items in future updates, but at the moment I need to finish off the API so use can start making some spells :D
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    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Well i made some of the spellbooks and the staff etc if you would like to see them here:[​IMG]On top its some sort of element gem Edit on top you can add an element gem, so if you don't want that i can remove it,but what I'm thinking of is if you put a red gem in there you get to cast fire or some rare fire spell.Here is a link to the textures you needed(All textures Including stick): <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Note:I wanted poison daggers,bows,swords etc.
    Rogue kind of spells would be nice.

    [quote uid=67066 name="thehutch" post=1127534]Thank you very much for thet healing spells, i'll most likely add a group healing aswell. I don't see why the poison arrows would be difficult aswell :D.

    In addition I have been working on this quite a lot because of study leave for exams :D, the external spell loading system is full functional and spells will load and cast correctly. I added in a player leveling system which needs tweaking so if anyone has a good xp forumla which increases with levels that would be awesome.

    So overall I have added these things:

    * External Spell loading.
    * Level/XP system
    * Added both SQLite and MySQL support
    * Added start of Attributes

    - * Intelligence:

    - * Increase mana and decreases mana cost on spells
    - Wisdom:
    * Increases spell damage/buff duration/decreases channeling time
    - Fortitude:
    * Increases player health and decreases damage taken
    - Added coloured names to items which can be customised in the items.yml file

    I also have some requests. If anyone here is good good at texture drawing I require some textures for items since I am no artist ;( , at the moment I require:
    * 3 spellbooks: (normal,life and death ones)
    * Staff rod (The stick part of a staff)
    * Staff (A normal looking staff)

    I will in the futre probably add a lot more items in future updates, but at the moment I need to finish off the API so use can start making some spells :D[/quote]
    Sounds nice hope you make use of my textures :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2016
  17. Offline


    [quote uid=90623978 name="tsuna25" post=1127745][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Well i made some of the spellbooks and the staff etc if you would like to see them here:[​IMG]On top its some sort of element gem so if you don't want that i can remove it,but what I'm thinking of is if you put a red gem in there you get to cast fire or some rare fire spell.Here is a link to the textures you needed(All textures Including stick): <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Note:I wanted poison daggers,bows,swords etc.
    Rogue kind of spells would be nice.[/quote]

    Thank you very much for these, all I had currently was a spellbook texture but these are great. The gem looks great also on the staff :D.

    I don't know about the rogue dagger since this is a spells plugin but maybe magical swords? Stats increasing ones maybe :?.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2016
  18. Offline


    Oh there isn't a gem lol.If you want i can add a red gem or any color.Its for you to fill in.So if you add lightning spells or anything you can put a yellow gem in there or red for fire.I can put a gem in if you want I'll help with textures.

    [quote uid=67066 name="thehutch" post=1127752]Thank you very much for these, all I had currently was a spellbook texture but these are great. The gem looks great also on the staff :D.

    I don't know about the rogue dagger since this is a spells plugin but maybe magical swords? Stats increasing ones maybe :?.[/quote]
    You should redownload,because if you zoom in on the staff and staffstick you see some unwanted tiny pixels,so if you see them in game you should get the new one here: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Still has the books and etc.Tell me anything else you need.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2016
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    [quote uid=90623978 name="tsuna25" post=1127767]You should redownload,because if you zoom in on the staff and staffstick you see some unwanted tiny pixels,so if you see them in game you should get the new one here: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Still has the books and etc.Tell me anything else you need.[/quote]

    Kinda off topic but I would suggest getting dropbox since I almost ran into a virus using that mediafire link :D. I know it wasn't you but the advert did it :p

    Also is there a possibility of higher resolution pictures? incase poeple want better graphics? You don't have to right now but it would be a cool feature for a 16/32/64 bit textures? Maybe not that may sizes but you know what I mean
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2016
  20. Offline


    Do you mean make it shinier/bigger/darker well if you meant that than yes i can here are some examples and sure ill change to dropbox.Here is the normal dark spellbook (Bigger):
    Deleted because pics are to big .-.

    Heres the dropbox link including those big books up there lol you don't have to use them: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/57127806/ISpellTextures.zip

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  21. Offline


    Plugins looking great I repeat I can't wait for it to come out.I'll be watching this thread...
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