[WIP] BoundryMaker - Make invisible boundrys for players

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by TOdkommt, Sep 17, 2011.

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    A few months ago, I've seen a plugin called Vaults on a big server. I wanted it for my server too, but after searching a while, I realised it was private. Now, I have most of the knowledge to write my own version of the plugin. That's why I started it. And I am going to make it public, other than the creator(s) of Vaults =)

    Features (for now):
    • Easy creation of the boundrys (selection similar to WorldEdit)
    • Option to disable boundrys (for later or scheduled use)
    • When a player tries to leave a boundry, he will be teleported back and receives an error
    • Configurable selection tool
    • Multiple backends (flatfile, MySQL, SQLite)
    If anyone of you has ideas, or help (espacially regarding the flatfile system, I have no idea how to do something like that atm), please answer in the thread.

    Current Progress:
    The commands are done, also the area selection. I currently have a yml storage file, but I will propably change it.

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