Will I lose work done in the nether when I upgrade from Vanilla Minecraft to Bukkit 1.7.2?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Dacheetz, Nov 5, 2013.

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    I think I explained correctly in the title.
    At the moment I'm holding off building a netherhub because I know bukkit names the nether and the end folders differently to how the standard minecraft server names them.

    My question, if I build in the nether (or the end for that matter) on the generic MC 1.7.2 server, will I lose any built blocks when I change to bukkitserver 1.7.2?
    If so, is there any software that will convert the maps over or should I just not build anything until bukkitserver 1.7.2 is released?
  2. Offline


    Bukkit automatically moves your data to its folder system. The same isn't true for switching back to vanilla, but you can do that manually. It's just a matter of renaming folders.
  3. Offline


    Thank you. Doubt I'll move back to vanilla. Netherhub building begins tonight!
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