Question Which Should I Learn First?

Discussion in 'General Help' started by iDevSenior, Jul 19, 2017.

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    Hello! I have been wondering for a while now, what should I learn first? Java, or how to make Java plugins for Minecraft? I am fine with either one, because I am partnered with a very good "coding website" that teaches you pretty much any languge (Including Java!). I would love to get a response as soon as possible, because I am paying $50 a month for this website, and need to know if I should still stick with it to learn Java, or branch off and use my other resources? Thank you for reading this! Good Bye!
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    Ideally, Before you even try to code Minecraft plugins. You should understand the basics of Java First. Some say you should not learn java through bukkit.

    So to answer Your Question Learn The Basics of Java before you start coding Minecraft plugin.
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    Thank's for an answer :D
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