When will CraftBukkit for 1.3 be released?

Discussion in 'Bukkit News' started by EvilSeph, Jul 27, 2012.

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    With the Minecraft 1.3 release date fast approaching, a lot of people are wondering when we will be releasing a CraftBukkit Recommended Build for Minecraft 1.3. We hope this short announcement will answer those questions.

    Due to the size of the impending 1.3 update, we are unable to guarantee that we'll have a compatible CraftBukkit Recommended Build out in time for the release of Minecraft 1.3. Although we started working on the update immediately after the Minecraft 1.3 preview was made available to the public, a lot of things were added, removed and changed in Minecraft from 1.2.5 and, as such, this update requires more work than usual to get things up and running. That being said, we'll continue to do our best to get an update out within a reasonable amount of time and will likely follow our usual policy of promoting the first Recommended Build the moment we get something that compiles and runs without any testing done whatsoever.

    As we have done a significant amount of important work on CraftBukkit 1.2.5 builds since our last RB, we'll be promoting a new Recommended Build shortly. This is done so that people have a reliable, stable build to use until we can get a 1.3 compatible build out and so that everyone who relies on Recommended Builds are able to take advantage of all the fixes, improvements and so on we've done since the last 1.2.5 RB.

    Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support; we greatly appreciate it!
  2. Offline


    There the best host i have seen by far. For quality and support. Only ever had 1 problem was when my hardrive corrupted. And they needed to reformat the hardrive for windows server ;D but thats what i get for running Windows Server
  3. Offline


    Thats the magical word isn't it? You spend enough on the server and hosting alone, why need to pay just to get a page on that hosting!
  4. Offline


    I think that's what we are all doing...
  5. Offline


    Hehe he does cycling ;D
  6. Offline


    also check out avengerhosting..if your looking for cheap webhosting..they take 5 bucks/mo for unlimited storage and bandwidth.
  7. It costs $140 just for the initial software.
  8. Offline


    Yeh..but if you got money..
  9. Offline


    Pirate it? :eek: Thats what my friend does with VBulletin but I guess it's risky :p
  10. I'd say Beastnode, I've been with them about 10 months now, got DDoSed two days ago and they transferred me to a new IP upon my request so I was up and running again. Great host with powerful machines. I'm currently on a 2GB server with a second server also.
  11. Offline


    I have used xenforo in the past and have noticed that it does lack in many aspects that I feel IPB does not. Sure the price tag is a little better but I feel more secure with IPB than I do with XenForo. Perhaps its just me but I know im not the only one that thinks that!
  12. Well if your're getting $2000/m then I suppose it'd be easy to afford.
  13. Offline


    i dun get that much..

    If someone is ddosing like a server(the itself computer)..i think you can go to the FBI cyber crime department and they'll try to trace them..correct me if im wrong.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2018
  14. Offline


    For me, I'm run a host. However, a few of my clients run large servers with donation packages and such.
  15. Offline


    I use name cheap hosting for my web server, although with how expensive it's all getting including my servers I might just buy a VPS.
    Oh and Name cheap, They are ok 4GB for my web server and 100gb space :/ unlimited bandwidth blah blah...The usual stuff :p

    I'm with Multiplay GameServers, Very pleased with their services :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2019
  16. Offline


    We dont really worry about DDoS, We have been ddosed, about 3/4 times. But we are currently looking into DDoS protection ;D

    mi5 wont do anything. They just have a huge ass building in london.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2019
  17. Offline


    Beastnode is ;) my friend dillon helped them to get all of those customers but he just gets repayed by DDOSing AvengerHosting(dillon's hosting company).
  18. Offline


    I believe there is a bukkit plugin to prevent things like Dos attacks I can't remember what it's called but I checked it out yesterday.

    EDIT: Can't promise it will work though...:p
  19. Offline


    We don't have FBI in UK, I'm sure there's something similar though.
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    Except most of the DDoSing comes from the Ukraine, therefore they have zero jurisdiction.
  22. It doesn't necessarily work like that as it could be near impossible to track the IP of the actual person as it is a DDoS attack and not a DoS attack. Luckily I had a few suspects and reported all of their IPs which I am still waiting on the results for. They can receive up to ten years in prison if found guilty though.
  23. Offline


    ten years? dafuq
  24. Offline


    hehe, i use to play cod and attend there "Lan" Events to play COD4 At competitive level.
    Along with there control panel. Last time i used clanforge it was quite confusing;/ ;D
  25. Offline


    lol i bet they are like eating donuts and trying to seem cool


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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2016
  26. Offline


    Clearly mi5 is too busy filming the new bold movie, gawd.
  27. Offline


    10 years? Damn, my friends CS:S Servers got DDoS attacked he knew who it was aswell :eek:
  28. Offline


  29. It depends on the severity of the attack really.

    But the thing is... If they attack a Minecraft server that is not on a dedicated IP then it could take a whole box down of servers, which is quite a handful of servers and people being affected.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
  30. Offline


    They are making a new "ClanForge" Currently named BetaForge, original clanforge is simpler for me, and do you mean insomnia events? I'd like to attend one but I don't have money for travel etc...
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