When will CraftBukkit for 1.3 be released?

Discussion in 'Bukkit News' started by EvilSeph, Jul 27, 2012.

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    With the Minecraft 1.3 release date fast approaching, a lot of people are wondering when we will be releasing a CraftBukkit Recommended Build for Minecraft 1.3. We hope this short announcement will answer those questions.

    Due to the size of the impending 1.3 update, we are unable to guarantee that we'll have a compatible CraftBukkit Recommended Build out in time for the release of Minecraft 1.3. Although we started working on the update immediately after the Minecraft 1.3 preview was made available to the public, a lot of things were added, removed and changed in Minecraft from 1.2.5 and, as such, this update requires more work than usual to get things up and running. That being said, we'll continue to do our best to get an update out within a reasonable amount of time and will likely follow our usual policy of promoting the first Recommended Build the moment we get something that compiles and runs without any testing done whatsoever.

    As we have done a significant amount of important work on CraftBukkit 1.2.5 builds since our last RB, we'll be promoting a new Recommended Build shortly. This is done so that people have a reliable, stable build to use until we can get a 1.3 compatible build out and so that everyone who relies on Recommended Builds are able to take advantage of all the fixes, improvements and so on we've done since the last 1.2.5 RB.

    Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support; we greatly appreciate it!
  2. Offline


    Are you seriously saying that there will be an update to CB 1.3 TODAY?
  3. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    Normally a bleeding development build comes either within the day or the following day from my experience.
  4. Offline


    i suppose we all do want it, however, there is no point rushing things.
    i think most people cant seem to understand that bukkit is putting a lot of hard work into this, and they are whining them "cos theyre not quick enough".
    silly really.
    bukkit do the best they can!
    if thats the case, then well done bukkit! :D
    pchard and Jamie Tees like this.
  5. Offline


    Well, let's just hope so.. Minecraft 1.3 was only released 1 hour ago, so.. I have 1.2.5 and 1.3 server, so I'm good :) (for the time being - Miss my plugins on my 1.3 server though)
    joehot2000 likes this.
  6. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    Bukkit for 1.3 shouldn't cause any plugin problems unless a lot gets changed in the Bukkit API. Most plugins should work with 1.3, and if they need updating it won't take long.
  7. Offline


    There are alot of "Server Admins" here playing the Perpetual victims. We're all in this together.

    The community doesn't change; even with jblaske and i working with EpicZones plugin, people still automatically think we owe them something.[creeper]
    pchard likes this.
  8. Offline


    1.3 of the Official Minecraft Server? It's Vanilla, dude.. :/
    joehot2000 and CourtArtanis like this.
  9. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    No I mean't bukkit...
  10. Offline


    plugins is the problem for me, i have non-spout guns, tesla towers, magiccarpet (for all users) money, shops, and lots more, then i need my plugins :(
  11. Offline


    Well.. Read again what I wrote..

    Either I wrote something that didn't make sense, or you misunderstood me..
  12. Offline


    Thank God it takes at least a few hours for this update to come to bukkit. People might actually go outside, get some vitamin D, and talk to someone other than their mom in person! Haaaa....... joking aside... Keep up the good work Bukkit peeps! <3 ur warez.
    pchard and CourtArtanis like this.
  13. Offline


    Haha. Vitamin D FTW!![cookedmeat]
    pchard likes this.
  14. Offline


    You do have the right to speak your opinion, but where are you to be disrespectful and a complete jerk? They did make it for the love of the game, and guess what, they don't even get paid. They do it because of the community, and right now you are part of that, but you really shouldn't be with all the complaining you did in this thread, when you will never be able to code like them, and even if you could(which again, you can't), you would probably demand pay with how greedy you seem.
    pchard likes this.
  15. Offline


    Im still waiting went ahead and took the link down just dont want to get in trouble with legal.
    pchard likes this.
  16. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    Meh I understood that you miss your plugins on 1.3, I was stating that when Bukkit has a 1.3 version most plugins should work still :D
    pchard likes this.
  17. Offline


    Wise :)

    Right.. Well, then I misunderstood YOU.. Sorry about that, bro :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  18. Offline


    There's no use calling people disrespectful whilst being disrespectful yourself. He has a reasonably valid point, i just think he needs to communicate it better and not make out like he is the only server admin to have to wait.

    Edit: Sorry, trying to unify himself with the other admins - but, in such a rude way.
  19. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    He ain't going to reply proberly. It isn't legal, end of.
  20. Offline


    you dont have to be a jerk. Thank you for letting me know but you dont have to be a jerk.
  21. Offline


    Only reason they care at all is because it can be used to play Minecraft without buying it.
  22. Offline


    The problem isn't legality, so don't worry. The problem is potentially unstable versions being distributed on the forums. If they are on Bukkit then they could be seen as being cited by bukkit and certified potentially safe.

  23. Offline


    Thanks :p just going to make sure :p because my users need it in case they upgrade.
  24. Offline


    All you are doing is mirroring a file. The only time it becomes illegal is if you reverse engineer it (decompile)
  25. Offline


    nope just an official copy that I use on my computer.
  26. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    Not been a jerk, Just stating the valid fact that he is busy and probably won't reply. AS far as I'm aware your not allowed to mirror the file either.
  27. Offline


    This is why I try not to use too many plugins on my server that others have created. I create my own <--- lesson learned from past version upgrades
  28. Offline


    You all need to go out side, or...... PLAY MINECRAFT 1.3!
    pchard likes this.
  29. Offline


    I am going to run the currant recommended build (Although its not recommended) on my server. Partially I would like to have it running and I also want to mess around with new features. I will report any bugs I find to you and will take backups of the world incase it does screw it up. Keep up with the good work!
    Pss. I really hate people like that toxic_waste guy. How do you people carry on with making it with people like him/her around?
  30. Offline


    Anyone using the Minecraft 1.3 update to connect to a server using the current recommended build, will get disconnected with "Outdated Server" ...
  31. Offline


    And where is the 1.3.1 bukkit download?
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