When will CraftBukkit for 1.3 be released?

Discussion in 'Bukkit News' started by EvilSeph, Jul 27, 2012.

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    With the Minecraft 1.3 release date fast approaching, a lot of people are wondering when we will be releasing a CraftBukkit Recommended Build for Minecraft 1.3. We hope this short announcement will answer those questions.

    Due to the size of the impending 1.3 update, we are unable to guarantee that we'll have a compatible CraftBukkit Recommended Build out in time for the release of Minecraft 1.3. Although we started working on the update immediately after the Minecraft 1.3 preview was made available to the public, a lot of things were added, removed and changed in Minecraft from 1.2.5 and, as such, this update requires more work than usual to get things up and running. That being said, we'll continue to do our best to get an update out within a reasonable amount of time and will likely follow our usual policy of promoting the first Recommended Build the moment we get something that compiles and runs without any testing done whatsoever.

    As we have done a significant amount of important work on CraftBukkit 1.2.5 builds since our last RB, we'll be promoting a new Recommended Build shortly. This is done so that people have a reliable, stable build to use until we can get a 1.3 compatible build out and so that everyone who relies on Recommended Builds are able to take advantage of all the fixes, improvements and so on we've done since the last 1.2.5 RB.

    Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support; we greatly appreciate it!
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    I try ;P
    The moment I saw this tweet, the first thing that ran through my mind was "Got to post this before someone else did". So I posted the image, then thought of what to caption it as XD
    Jamie Tees likes this.
  3. Offline


    Maybe he means all the activity and replies on this thread? All the "chaos" after the 1.3 update? I wouldn't agree with what he said if that's what he means but that's my wild guess.. once again sorry if I'm terribly terribly terribly wrong
    Jamie Tees likes this.
  4. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    He means this: http://i.imgur.com/Tf8w1.jpg

    LOL dreadiscool, love the commitment!
  5. Offline


    Where? So the 1.3 bukkit beta has been released? Is there even one? Sorry I'm confused.. not that you confused me I'm just confused
  6. Offline


    Ok guys, I'm done for the night. I'm going to go watch a movie, see you all when I'm done.
  7. Offline


    Ok thanks! :D
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Just curious, Glen, because of your server name - do you rent from Cloudcrafting? That's who I'm with.
  10. Offline

    Bilbo Baggins

    from what iv herd, within the next few hrs
  11. Offline


    It hasn't been released, its an internal build they are testing on
  12. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    Ain't released yet, EvilSeph is having fun it seems though :D
  13. Offline


    Thanks trying my best to keep in touch. :D
    Jamie Tees likes this.
  14. Offline


    Administrator is a Moderator.. or if you've ever used group manager not that this applies but it's similar.. (inheritances)
    NightWolf likes this.
  15. Offline


    Actually I was referring to that a page or so ago when I said "Oh. It appears things really are burning in Bukkit.", and someone else beat me to it a few posts before. Quite a few pages back, TnT already linked to and referenced the bug. Welcome to the thread.
    Jamie Tees likes this.
  16. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    I'd say from what is happening, sloppy crappy testing build will be coming out soon (within the next couple of hours), then a build to fix everything they missed within a couple of hours after that
  17. Offline


    EPIC! :D IM AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    Oh server host name makes sense haha.. but no actually I wanted to name the thing LevitCraft but my friend convinced me otherwise, and I use beastnode. Great server service for great price, but the CP sucks! They said they're going to fix it but I'm a patient person so I don't mind.
  20. Offline


    Oh wow! GRATS TnT! WOO! [cake]
  21. Offline

    Bilbo Baggins

  22. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    This topic just went BOOM after TNT got his promotion :D Congratulations mate :D
  23. Offline


    That is actually my point, if administrator inherits moderator, why does he need both titles?
  24. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    Cause he is that awesome, deal with it ;)
  25. Offline


    EvilSeph is online... ooo what does this mean?
  26. Offline


    With this big of an update it may take some time for them to get this one out it has some serious patching that they have to work on.
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    Ah right, OK. From what I've seen, cloudcrafting are the cheapest. Decent CP too. I think they're currently out of capacity at the moment though.
  29. Offline


    im 21 lol and agree with u dude
    Psilocybinator likes this.
  30. Offline

    Jamie Tees

    It means he is about to post here laughing at noobies wondering WHEN IS BUKKIT BEEN UPDATED OMGWTF *tnt boom*
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