This stack trace? Although i can't exactly get what the real problem is while trying to read the stack trace, i have thought about what might be the problem, i've made a world called "Arena" with Multi-verse in ANOTHER server, and i used a EmptyWorldGenerator, whatever it is called. I transferred this world to another server, which i would then get on that server and teleport to that world, when i would walk around for a bit, if i walk out of the spawn area with a specific range, it crashes me. My thoughts: Whenever i walk a bit too far, server tries to load new chunks with the generator, where in which i do not have the generator plugin in my server, making me crash? My thought on this might be very off.
this looks for me that the chunk or chunks are invalidated. however if the world was generated on a other server was this world before 1.7 or older to? when using a custom generator you most of the time need to re use that generator in your multi verse plugin again in order to load the world properly in some cases not, but maybe while converting from a old world to 1.7 did went wrong?
xize No this world was created in a 1.7.10 version and transferred to a 1.7.10 server. So there really wasn't any converting process. When I get back home I'll add in my generator and see if it fixes the problem
artish1 try to remove that world, and replace it with the current generator. from what I heard is that you probably have a corrupted chunk which is hard to fix sometimes it works using //chunk //regen from worldedit if you can type very fast before getting kicked however this will create a normal terrain chunk not the void which your world previously had. what I recommend is removing the world, and replace the void world (I hope you still got a good backup) then load the world with if you use multiverse: /mv load <world> -g generator-parameters or /mv create <world> -g generator-parameters from what I know is that in between 1.7.5 - 1.7.10 something was changed with biomes or the terrain which added some borders how long biomes should be in size although I'm not very sure, and also I'm either not sure if that has todo with this.
xize So it seemed that even if i put in the generator it would still crash me. I've fixed my problem (sort of). I would go back to the server i created the world on, and i would fly around the borders and a bit farther so that the chunks would load. Saved,Copied,Pasted. Went on to the other server and went into that world. I have been able to go farther around without it crashing me because it seemed i have loaded in the chunks of the world before. But, i wanted to test more on this so i flew past the borders of the map and flew up to where i originally flew to load the chunks in the world creation server. It seemed to be good from there until i flew just a little bit past and then i guess i started to load (or tried to load) chunks and then it crashed me again.