What plugins are killing my CPU usage? + ways to decrease CPU?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 94jp, Jul 19, 2012.

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    My server sits around 10-80 CPU usage.
    Pentium R 4 CPU 3.00 GHz [I know it sucks shh]
    I have members ranging from 5-30 users simultaneously. [Private server]
    I reset my computer daily, and here are my list of plugins:
    12:53:50 [INFO] Plugins (74): mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons, mod_BuildCraftEnergy,
    mod_RedPowerWiring, GroupManager, mod_BuildCraftCore, SpamGuard, mod_ImmibisCore
    , Vault, Multiverse-Core, mod_BuildCraftFactory, mod_NetherOres, RemoteToolkitPl
    ugin, mod_CraftingTableIII, Spectate, mod_TubeStuff, AuthMe, OnTime, Permissions
    , AntiFreecam, OpenInv, mod_CCTurtle, mod_IC2NuclearControl, mod_WirelessRedston
    eRedPower, MobDisguise, mcMMO, mod_CompactSolars, mod_WirelessRedstoneCore, TimT
    heEnchanter, mod_IC2_ChargingBench, mod_IronChest, mod_MinecraftForge, WorldEdit
    , NoCheatPlus, Multiverse-Inventories, CreativeGates, mod_RedPowerControl, LogBl
    ockQuestioner, LogBlock, mod_IC2, mod_RedPowerMachine, mod_BuildCraftBuilders, m
    od_RedPowerLighting, mod_RedPowerWorld, mod_ComputerCraft, iConomy, mod_BuildCra
    ftTransport, mod_NotEnoughItems, BookWorm, mod_PowerConverters, mod_AdditionalPi
    pes, Deadbolt, AntiXRay, ClearEntity, mod_Railcraft, mod_IC2AdvancedMachines, Si
    mpleChestLock, mod_RedPowerCore, mod_RedPowerLogic, EnchantMore, SimpleSpleef, N
    oCheat, AutoSaveWorld, MonsterBox, mod_EnderStorage, mod_CodeChickenCore, Essent
    ials, Trade, dynmap, EssentialsChat, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, VanishN
    oPacket, Factions, FactionsPlus
    Heh it's tekkit, but I didn't want to post in that forum. Much more friendly users here.
    java -Xmx1024M -Xms500M -XX:MaxPermSize=40M -jar
    I still use rtoolkit plugin, but it stopped working after transferring to tekkit lol.
  2. Offline


    your tekkit is killing your RAM more than anything. it wont run on 1GB ram well. ive seen much stronger servers struggle with this.
  3. Offline


    I can allocate more ram, but does that decrease CPU usage?


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  4. Offline


    Might want to get rid of some of the heavy plugins off that list:
    dynmap, mcmmo, Multiverse-Core. Oh, and
    NoCheat AND NoCheatPlus?

    Remove NoCheat, leave NoCheatPlus.

    Imo, dynmap should go.
    mcMMO and Multiverse can kill servers if you remove them.
    Dont think removing dynmap will cause to many problems, but will decrease the CPU significantly.
  5. Offline


    Thanks. Someone told me that Factions conflict with Tekkit and spike the CPU so I should use Towny instead.
    Also, I am planning to implement WorldGuard into my server. Will that kill?
    I will run a test server to see if those plugins help.

    Edit: Removing those plugins cut my CPU load about 20+ but still spikes sometimes to 80.
  6. Offline


    You are going to have a fun time removing each plugin one by one until you find the one causing your problem.

    Sweet mother of god.
    Maulss, Omnitv and np98765 like this.
  7. Offline


    ^ hey I had 80 plugins few days prior to this posting.
    I want to know if there are any more plugins that I can cut down ... :l
    Server isn't experiencing any lags with 80 plugins, but I heard, with high CPU load, it takes up a lot of electricity.
  8. Offline


    whats the mod_ stuff? are they plugins?
  9. Offline


    The mod_ stuff are mods from MineCraft Forge. Those are specifically mods for Tekkit servers. I can't cut those down unfortunately.
  10. Offline


    Try the NoLagg plugin, it got a program added to it that shows what is stressing the CPU/GPU.
  11. Offline


    Alright. I heard NoLagg screws up the server, but I will try that feature. Thanks.
  12. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    You'll want to ask the forge folks for help, this isn't a CB query
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