Solved what JRE do i need

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by cnniillaa, Aug 31, 2014.

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    You want a jdk that's older than the jre you're targetting. So, most java 6/7 jdks should be fine-ish
  3. hintss Better advice would be to get the JDK that matches the oldest JRE you intend to support.
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    just use jdk 6 to compile with, you may need to register a account on oracle in order to get older versions.

    keep in mind:

    jdk = for developement, its highly encouraged to use jdk 6 because minecraft and bukkit is compiled on that version, if you make something else unrelated to minecraft you may want to use the all lowest version possible of the jdk so most computers can run it (even very old non updated ones).

    however do not use the latest jdk because if you plugin is compiled with that version, users will get errors because they run a older java for example java 6 (jre6).

    jre = can be the last version you want, this one is for run time it doesn't really mather what version you use, it should atleast be higher or equal than the version your plugin is compiled with (the JDK) else you get a minor version exception.

    I hope it helps a bit, besides you already got the awnser though ;-)
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