What is the best Permissions plugin for Bukkit these days?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by russjr08, Apr 12, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    In spirit of 1.5, I'm rebuilding my server from the ground up! However, I'm at a loss at what permissions plugin I should start using. We used to use PermissionsEX, but I've heard a /lot/ of bad things about it. What permissions plugin is recommended now?
  2. Offline


    PeX and Group Manager have the most users to me that makes them the best because you can get the most support which matters a lot to me. Honestely they are all pretty must all the same user end (at least I have seen no differences. Also this thread is likely to start a flame war so lets keep all of our claims as factual as possible!
  3. Offline


    Hmm you have a good point, thanks!
  4. Offline


    NP also I currentely run PeX but have run GM in the past and have had no issues. Scratch that I have had thousands of issues, all of them my fault xD
  5. Offline


    I love PEX, but in reality, it's a pile of shit. They've left this server-crashing bug in for 8 months that I could fix in 12 minutes (I did, but it's not like they'll accept my pull request...)
  6. Offline


    I've never had an issue with PEX before. Other then it's incredibly terrible syntax, it's a wonderful permissions plugin.
  7. Offline


    Huh, they won't accept pull requests? They didn't say why or anything?
  8. Offline


    I have never used GroupManager but i'd agree with PeX
  9. Offline


    And again, I used to love PEX.

    They would just ignore it or say "there's no way," with every thing you told them.
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