Craftbukkit is building for 1.5_02? But 1.5_02 isn't even out.... I see that people are running 689 for 1.5 but I can't connect. I'm so confused at what is going on. I have been at school and am not in the loop.
The latest server version is 1.5_02. The client is still 1.5_01. There are idiots running non-recommended builds with varying levels of success. Wait for an official recommended build. Focus on school.
Yea I just figured out that it was my minecraft.jar for whatever reason which was why I couldn't connect. Thanks for the fuzzy bunny comment though.
lol welcome :-p seems like people are saying "most" things work well. Check a couple posts in this forum a few people are running 689 with only a couple issues. Looks like 699 is out now though so maybe give that a try?