Inactive [WGEN] Mineral Veins 1.4.1 - Ore placement overhaul [1.2.5-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by m0rt, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Mineral Vein - Ore generator modification
    Version: v1.4.1
    Download: jar
    Source: github

    WARNING - As of MV 1.4.1, instead of veins.yml, config.yml is used. It's purely a name change, caused by switching over to the new API, file format remains the same.

    Mineral Vein changes the way ores are generated. Instead of lots of small, randomly placed deposits, several huge veins will be generated.
    Technically, Mineral Vein adds new BlockPopulator that removes all previously placed ores and generates new ones. This ensures compatibility with any other world generators, including the default one.

    Veins are vast, rare areas, that are rich on particular resource. These veins are multiple chunks wide and long, their respective resources don't exist outside them. Veins aren't made completely of given material, it's just very common there, and often multiple veins of different materials overlap. This ore distribution changes mining for resources completely - you have to scout wide areas for a vein, and when you finally find one, it can supply you for quite a long time. In general, the average density of resources/chunk is simillar, but the distribution is changed completely.

    Converting old worlds

    By default, the plugin works as world generator and only affects newly generated chunks. However, you can force it manually to apply the algorithm to any chunks that are already present.
    The command \mineralvein apply <worldname> [x] [z] [width] [height] will apply this to the selected world. Run this command just once after installing MineralVein, then you don't have to run it at all. By default the command is accessible from console and/or anyone with "MineralVein.apply" permission. (since you need to run this command exactly once, you propably won't need the permission at all.
    The numbers default to 0,0 (center) and 200x200 chunks around it. If your map is bigger, use appropriate setting (widht corresponds to X coordinate, the value is in chunks).

    Show Spoiler
    comparsion.png Vanilla minecraft on left, MineralVein right. (white areas are iron blocks, other ores aren't shown, but generated in simillar manner)

    All variables used in ore placement can be set in config file.

            block: GOLD_ORE
            seed: 35434
            density: 3
            thickness: 4
            densityBonus: 0
            heightAvg: 20
            heightVar: 20
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 80
            exclusive: false
            #biomes: [forest,swampland]
            #exclude_biomes: [desert]
            mode: replace
    Each item of the list represents one "layer" that is generated. By default, there is one layer for each ore type, but there can be more.
    seed is a unique number for each layer. If you want to create a layer with two different ores, that always uses same space, just use the same seed.
    density is a chance multiplier. Higher density means more ore
    thickness is vertical size (actually it's distance from the center of the vein, in which the ore can spawn, so it's one-half of the actual thickness)
    densityBonus: The density in an area is determined using a random generator, that gives values between -1 and 1, where 0 and less represent no chance of ore spawning in given location. Giving a densityBonus of 1 will represent in this layer to be filled with resource everywhere on the map.
    heighAvg is the average height in which this layer can be found
    heightVar is the random portion of heigh, the actual heigh goes from avg - var to avg + var (in the example, setting of 20/20 would result in layer beeing between 0-40)
    heightLength is distance in blocks between height definition points changes (higher values -> less frequent height changes)
    densLength is distance in blocks between density definition points changes (higher values -> bigger, rarer veins)
    exclusive parameter makes sure no other veins appear if this one is present (technically, it descreases their chance by the density of this ore here)
    biomes is a list of biomes this vein can appear in. If this parameter is NOT present, it appears everywhere.
    exclude_biomes is a list of biomes to be excluded from the list (logically this should be used when biomes option is defaulted to all)
    mode allows to turn off replacement (by setting mode to "add") - this vein will just add more blocks, without removing the old ones

    The mathematics behind (open)

    This section explains how exactly the ore generation works, which should help you in deciding what config to use.

    The ore placement process works in two levels: column(X and Z coordinate) and block (Y coordinate, within the column). Some of the values (like VeinHeight) will be generated for each column, then all blocks within the column will have a specific chance to spawn ore in them. The following tutorial explains how a single ore vein is generated.

    At the very beginning, height and density maps are generated. Those describe distribution of VeinHeight (block height in world) and VeinDensity (spawn chance multiplier). These maps are based on world seed, so they are identical every time you run the apply command.
    This is an example of a density map (not yet finished). The way this generator works is it selects random values each densLength blocks (in this case 40), and interpolates inbetween. (This is a simplified generator, the actual generator has much smoother results). Another example:

    Here the densLength is 20, resulting in much faster changes in density. In a moment, the density is "cut", anyting below zero is ignored.

    This represents the basic ore vein distribution. Wherever you can see the red plane, the density map generated value below zero, therefore this ore will not spawn in this column. However, before the cut is done, densBonus is applied.

    This is the same map with +0.3 densBonus applied. You can see the red areas are much rarer, resulting in ore beeing much more common. This value (random+densBonus) is now multiplied by density, giving the final VeinDensity for the particular column.
    Generating heigh map is simpler, the height map just needs to be adjusted according to heightAvg and heightVar (note this is just a side view, for a single Z coordinate):
    This could be described by a simple formula height=heightAvg+(rand*heightVar).

    So now we have VeinHeight and VeinDensity for each column. Each column is then run through, and generated a ChanceMap for. It looks like this (Y is on the horizontal axis):
    The result of this function (0 to 1) is multiplied by VeinDensity for this column, resulting in a chance that the ore is spawned in this block (0 is no chace, 1 is 100% chance).
    You can see that blocks that are close to the VeinHeight have a high chance of ore spawning, while blocks that are further that thickness have zero chance. Then a "dice" is rolled for each block and compared with the resulting chance, to see whether this block will have the ore spawned in it or not. Note that the "dice" roll is completely random, independent of world seed, so each run of apply would result in different local layout.

    Version 1.4.1:
    • Compatibility for MC 1.2.3
    • Minor fixes, permissions should work
    Version 1.3.10:
    • added debug mode ("debug: true" in config file)
    • BEWARE - permission now defaulted to OP (temporary solution)
    Version 1.3.9:
    • application now runs in sync, should take care of concurrent modification exceptions
    Version 1.3.8:
    • fixed some issues, now works quite fine
    Version 1.3.7:
    • Now supports ANY id, even non-existing ones. Useful for MCForge-added blocks (e.g. Industrialcraft)
    Version 1.3.6:
    • fixed thread usage in apply command
    Version 1.3.5:
    • new HeightRel option
    Version 1.3.4:
    • Two new config options - mode and exclude_biomes
    • Fixed bug with using same noise generator for height and density
    • Fixed apply command
    Version 1.3.3:
    • Fixed crash for config files that don't have "default" world setting
    Version 1.3.2:
    • The "Apply" command is now executed in separate thread, and worlds can be referenced by their index (failed command will display list of worlds and indexes)
    • Huge changes in default config file, hopefully for the best
    Version 1.3.1:
    • The "Apply" command now works much better and safer
    Version 1.3:
    • Added exclusive and biomes parameters to config
    • It is now possible to populate already existing worlds
    Version 1.2:
    • Added heightLenght and densLength parameters to conf file
    Version 1.1:
    • Fixed bugs, switched to in-built Noise generators for better results
    Version 1.0:
    • First release
  2. Offline


            block: DIAMOND_ORE
            seed: 98746835
            density: 0.5
            thickness: 3
            densityBonus: -0.6
            heightAvg: 200
            heightVar: 10
            heightLength: 10
            densLength: 40
            exclusive: false
    Same result
    No diamond on the first generated world chunks, anything new is spawning diamond like it always does.

    It doesn't even have to be removing ores, even when I just load the default config. All of new world chunks at spawn obey the plugin anything new past that all have the same old notch ore config.

    Uising the latest bukkit RB and no other plugins. I test everything on a clean server
  3. Offline


    I just tested this exact config on both 1597 and 1744, both work fine. Just to be sure, do you realize that chunks are populated first when surrounding chunks have already been generated? (that's basic minecraft mechanic) That means the border chunks of the map will always be non-populated, containing basic ores (when a player gets close, new chunks will be generated, and the border will be shifted).

    It could be the new version I just uploaded, but it doesn't change anything in the generation mechanic, just some stuff in the apply command.

    sithrebel15: I just realize I left out tungsten from the config I posted, as it has no use. Also gems are generated in strange way, they always spawn with another color-matched ore (sapphire with lapis, ruby with redstone and emerald with uranium)
  4. Offline


    Ok so im having a very odd problem. I set up the config for iron ore for my map to spawn like it is show on the left side. GREAT! But whey am i running into long chunks of normal generated iron ore (Like on right side...)
    Other then this, great plugin :) ANybody know the solution?
  5. Offline


    jazzman170: I am currently trying to solve this problem, but I failed to reproduce it. What bukkit version, MV version (and java version) did you use?
  6. Offline


    m0rt yea i noticed that. you might want to add it to your server. I belive the tungsten is being used withing a few rp versions. The creator of rp is adding a bunch of stuff togthetr after its finished.

    Ill test the config when i get home.
  7. Offline


    MC 1.1, Bukkit unsure of what dev build im using since jenkins site is down so i cant see what was last one i got, but i know its the 1.1 version below 1717, (its not 1717 tho). Java version? like my java? updated to latest i believe.

    MV is latest build.

    edit: ill update to bukkit 1744 as soon as i can and see what that does.

    update: I updated to latest dev build of bukkit and its still doing exactly the same thing. So using latest build of MC, latest dev build of bukkit, and latest build of MineralVeins. No clue as to why its doing this.

    i thin i figured it out. Im flying too fast for it to re-generate the land. So since im going too fast, it generates the normal land as it usualy does, but doesnt remove the ores , instead it just adds the veins to it which is why im running into some land with normal spawned ore as well as veins in it. Its working part of the time. Most of the time that i fly around its generating fast enough but other times not.

    I tried this by just walking around everywhere and i did not run into a single piece of land anywhere that was generated the normal minecraft way. :)

    After more review, it is NOT caused from flying. After walking around in a new world (only walking) it was still generating places like that picture i posted above.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  8. Offline


    I am experiencing the same issues as jazzman170 i am running the latest version of OpenJDK 64 bit on a ubuntu server. You can see the issue for your self on the server at, its my test server so i would be happy to grant you whatever permissions you need to figure this problem out.
  9. Offline


    Hm, on a somewhat unrelated note... is there a way to preview what the config file does? Right now the options are pretty unclear/needlessly complicated to set up, making it essentially guesswork what the end result will be. :/

    (Like, what's the difference between Density and DensityBonus? Why not roll both into one if they do the same? Or does something affect the one but not the other? How does DensLength/Height factor into this? What are reasonable values for all of this? How much do +0.1, +1, +10 changes in these values do, in a ingame sense?)

    Basically, they confound me.
  10. Offline


    @jazzman, @tkk2: Try using debug mode (put debug: true to config), it then reports every chunk it is run on, along with list of ores that will be deleted from it. Maybe send me your save (or if you use default config, try sending me the seed), I will try to reproduce the error.
    Domochevsky: The problem here is that I use in-built noise generators, and I don't know how exactly they work, so the result is sometimes unpredictable even tome. To answer your questions: densityBonus is added, density is multiplied with the actual density. The actual density for a column (X and Z coordinate) is ( (rand. -1 to +1) + densBonus)*density. Dens/heightLength affect how often (in block length) are values randomly generated, everything in between is approximated (e.g. for default densLength 80, density is randomly generated for blocks [0,0] and [0,79], and all blocks between them have appropriatelly generated values, so that the value changes smoothly). I always wanted to create some graphs about how this works, never got to actual do it.
  11. Offline


    Graphs certainly help, i feel. So if i get you right... density bonus is more important than density? Can i set Density to 1 across the board and regulate the density with DensityBonus alone, effectively eliminating Density from the equation? (Or am i not seeing something here? Is the spread different from Rand + DensityBonus than Rand * Density?) Or alternatively, can i go the other way around and set DensityBonus to 0 and regulate this purely over Density?

    And what influence does DensLength/Height have on ore amounts? How do they factor into density/amount mathematically speaking? (What happens if i set DensLength to 1000, for example? Do i get a vein that is 1000 blocks long or do i get one that is Density sized sitting somewhere inbetween those 1000 blocks? Or is it spread along the length of said 1000 blocks, ruining the "yo, be dense" effect?)
  12. Offline


    Domochevsky: I am going to do the graphs....

    EDIT: The graphs and explanation added to the first post.
  13. Offline


    Mhm... that is highly informative. I think i can work with that. Thanks. :)
  14. Offline


    In your mathematical explanation, I understand everything up to after you apply densBonus. What is 'this value' multiplied by density? And I don't quite understand the heightmap generation...

    Also, could you put descriptions of each parameter in layman's terms? You kind of have it, but just saying high density means more ore isn't quite specific enough... High density = more ore as in more veins? Or more ore per vein? Thickness is overspecific, densityBonus doesn't really correspond with what I think it is... height/densLength could be more layman-y. I've read some other people's definitions, but having it in the main post would be better. Most people aren't going to read through five pages of comments...
  15. Offline


    The 'this value' describes the value fom the two steps, (random+densBonus). Heightmap generation is very simillar, except it the constant part (heightAvg) is added after the multiplication. height=(random*heightVar + heightAvg)
    Yes more descriptive names would be useful, I'll look the forum through for what others said.
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    Well, create a config that has only diamond vein with density set to 0, and pray it works. Currently there is sometimes a bug that prevents Mineral Vein from removing the old ore, however I haven't found a reason yet.
  18. Offline


    Using the basic posted Industrialcraft/redpower config, The server shows this error message, every time I try to run it for a new world. The default config works, but does not have any obvious differences, aside from the new ores, and slightly different (but seemingly syntax correct) vanilla ores.

    Edit: It appears to have several issues in it, but I cannot locate all of them.
    Coal is missing a few lines, and one of the ores has a duplicated line. But I cant find the rest of them, so this still wont go away.
    Show Spoiler

    16:26:49 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 894907837)
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.a(
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.World.setRawTypeIdAndData(
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlock.setTypeIdAndData(
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] at mort.mineralvein.VeinPopulator.populate(
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(ChunkProviderServer.j
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.a(
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(ChunkProviderServer.j
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] at
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] at
    16:26:50 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
    at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.World.setRawTypeIdAndData(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlock.setTypeIdAndData(
    at mort.mineralvein.VeinPopulator.populate(
    at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(
    at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
  19. Offline


    Ranakastrasz: Check the block ID's, maybe they don't correspond to your IC2/Rp2 settings, I think RP2 changed block ID's in some version and I am not sure how old this config is.What version of bukkit do you use? (I couldn't find the right lines in github code) Also, don't I know you from Warcraft 3?
  20. Offline


    Possible, Although I do not know how to get the redpower damage values. Using 1.1-r3 version of bukkit.
    And probably, if you made, uhm, Rune-force, A dungeon-keeper ish mod, and space engineers, then yes, Most certainly. (Darn region lock)
  21. Offline


    I just tested it, it ran well for me using the above config and default RP2/IC2 block ID's. So unless you changed them (or used ID resolver), this should't be the problem. The config also seems fine, YAML parser can obviously handle duplicate entry (although I don't know which of the values is used then), missing lines aren't a problem (each value has a default setting, you could theoretically have just block and seed entry for each ore).
    Only thing I can think of is that somehow the block MV is trying to generate doesn't exist, are you sure both Rp2 and IC2 are correctly loaded? (Try deleting one or other from the config, to see if that changes anything - RP has the 140s, IC2 247 to 249) And btw. the damage values for RP2 are nowhere to find, however, in creative, the ore blocks are ordered by their damage value (starting with ruby (0), to nicolite(7)).

    And yes, I made those three maps. Small world...
  22. Offline


    I am certain the values are still at default, although I did supress the generation for all of the ores (seeing as I ended up with duplicates, especially with the redpower ores, which I forgot the first time) but I wouldn't expect that to have an effect. Good to know that duplicate lines are not an issue. I think I will try removing one ore at a time until it stops complaining, possibly that would determine which mod is an issue.



    As far As I can tell, Nothing was wrong, seeing as when I re-added Mineralveins, with the same custom configuration, it worked perfectly, no issues at all.
    All I can figure is that I might have gotten an old version of mineralveins, or something else messed up. Possibly it doesnt work with essentials, or something else.
  23. Offline


    M0rt, thank you for your work. Just thank you. Gizmo, your explanations have helped me FINALLY work on the mining atmosphere I've been waiting for since Alpha 1.1.

    I am currently configuring a setup that will give me ore deposits shaped like vanilla deposits... that is, almost all ore is touching an adjacent ore. Very little holes. The veins themselves are three times bigger than vanilla but three times rarer.

    The problem I have with the default config is that short of shaft mining a chunk when you hit a vein, you have no direction as to where to find the rest. If you're doing that, it would work just as well with vanilla ore distribution.

    Essentially, you may only find diamonds every hour or so of mining, but when you do, you find around 20-30. That equals out roughly to my normal strip mining average with vanilla ore.

    If anyone is interested in my config, let me know. When I finish it tonight or tomorrow (hopefully) I can post pics and the config.

    I am not very familiar with this board, but if there is anyway for my to give a +1 or kudos to the both of you, let me know. I liked the posts at least.

    Edit: Gizmo, are you sure what you said about heightLength is correct? Not at all saying you are wrong, I simply got different results.

    This controls how the vein is spread in three dimensions. This functions similar to densLength, but controls the vertical spread of the vein. A larger value will cause a more horizontal flow of a vein, while a smaller value will cause a more vertical flow. The default value of 80 does a pretty good job of creating veins that ‘snake’ through the ground."​
    I seem to get more horizontal results on small diamond patches with a lower value such as 1-5. Using 200 gave me perfectly vertical pillars. Maybe this is just an anomaly based on the advanced algorithm that goes into vein shape. I have a lot of variables changed to get the exact shape I'm looking for. I run a very high densLength to make the veins larger, then tone down their frequency with the density bonus.​
    On another note, if anyone cares at all about my config, I should have it done today. I am leaving gold a little heavy for powered rails. It was requested by players on my server.​
    Edit 2:​
    Okay I think I finished my config. Screenshot below.​
    And the config:​
            block: GOLD_ORE
            seed: 35434
            density: 1000
            thickness: 2
            densityBonus: -0.6
            heightAvg: 20
            heightVar: 10
            heightLength: 10
            densLength: 40
            exclusive: false
            block: IRON_ORE
            seed: 67436874
            density: 1000
            thickness: 5
            densityBonus: -0.8
            heightAvg: 32
            heightVar: 30
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 20
            exclusive: false
            block: REDSTONE_ORE
            seed: 4325483
            density: 1000
            thickness: 3
            densityBonus: -0.75
            heightAvg: 10
            heightVar: 10
            heightLength: 10
            densLength: 20
            exclusive: false
            block: DIAMOND_ORE
            seed: 98746835
            density: 1000
            thickness: 2
            densityBonus: -0.8
            heightAvg: 10
            heightVar: 3
            heightLength: 100
            densLength: 15
            exclusive: false
            block: LAPIS_ORE
            seed: 63834343
            density: 1000
            thickness: 4
            densityBonus: -0.9
            heightAvg: 10
            heightVar: 10
            heightLength: 10
            densLength: 20
            exclusive: false
            block: COAL_ORE
            seed: 543543
            density: 1000
            thickness: 4
            densityBonus: -0.6
            heightAvg: 40
            heightVar: 40
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 20
            exclusive: false
  24. Offline


    I get error:
    Server: /mineralvein apply world
    CONSOLE: I'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is in error.

    On both the console and in game with my character. This happens with no permissions mod installed and with permissions mod installed. This also happens with a fresh install and an unmodified config file.

    I see lots of other people with this problem.

    Less important requests, Can you update your original post to describe how to configure rarity of ore?
    For example, If I wanted the total number of diamond blocks per chuck to average about half of that of diamond, which of your settings would I change?

    At the end of a mineralvein apply execution, can you return text containing the total amount of each ore gained or lost in the transition?
    Gold Ore: 569 removed, 1258 added
    Iron Ore:...

    This will allow us to know how much your mod changed the value of our ores.


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  25. Offline


    seems 1.2 broke your plugin (maybe with the new height limit?) any eta on a update.
  26. Offline


    ...1.2 has been out for how long now? 6 hours? Give him a break, will ya. ;)

    (But people immediately asking for a update was inevitable, really. I imagine all mod makers will have this flood of people going on right now. Especially when it's forbidden to ask for updates, like on
  27. Offline


    I asked for eta because he hasn't updated in a while so I'm wondering if it will be 2 days or a week
    and this is one of the plugins my server needs in order for the economic system to make any sence
    chill dude

    *a suggestion to developers plan ahead for updates and say how fast they plan to update based on the information available
  28. Offline


    CommanderGizmo's post was extremely helpful, but I felt like his config was a little too stingy. I also thought Acrinom's was a little too generous with some ores. I wrote a small plugin that counts up the ores in a 10x10 square of chunks centered around you and set to work on making my own, hopefully balanced config. If anything, I'd say mine is also too generous, but that's how I prefer it. :)

    If anyone's interested, here it is:
            # Scatter all the ores throughout every biome.
            # These values are slightly lower than the vanilla generation to compensate for the biome-specific veins.
            block: GOLD_ORE
            seed: 35434
            density: 1
            thickness: 3
            densityBonus: -.65
            heightAvg: 20
            heightVar: 10
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 20
            exclusive: false
            block: IRON_ORE
            seed: 67436874
            density: 1
            thickness: 4.5
            densityBonus: -.3
            heightAvg: 32
            heightVar: 40
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 20
            exclusive: false
            block: REDSTONE_ORE
            seed: 4325483
            density: 1
            thickness: 5
            densityBonus: -.6
            heightAvg: 10
            heightVar: 10
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 20
            exclusive: false
            block: DIAMOND_ORE
            seed: 98746835
            density: 1
            thickness: 3.5
            densityBonus: -.8
            heightAvg: 15
            heightVar: 15
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 20
            exclusive: false
            block: LAPIS_ORE
            seed: 63834343
            density: 1
            thickness: 1
            densityBonus: -.6
            heightAvg: 20
            heightVar: 20
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 20
            exclusive: false
            block: COAL_ORE
            seed: 543543
            density: 1
            thickness: 4
            densityBonus: -.1
            heightAvg: 40
            heightVar: 40
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 20
            exclusive: false
            # Now we do the special biome veins.
            # These boost the ore count above normal for their special biomes.
            block: COAL_ORE
            seed: 8723587
            density: 1
            thickness: 3
            densityBonus: -.85
            heightAvg: 40
            heightVar: 40
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 300
            exclusive: false
            block: COAL_ORE
            seed: 912664757
            density: 1
            thickness: 5
            densityBonus: -.75
            heightAvg: 40
            heightVar: 40
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 500
            exclusive: false
            biomes: [SWAMPLAND]
            block: IRON_ORE
            seed: 386577239
            density: 1
            thickness: 5
            densityBonus: -.55
            heightAvg: 32
            heightVar: 40
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 300
            exclusive: false
            biomes: [TAIGA,EXTREME_HILLS]
            block: GOLD_ORE
            seed: 653679925
            density: 1
            thickness: 2
            densityBonus: -.85
            heightAvg: 20
            heightVar: 10
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 200
            exclusive: false
            biomes: [FOREST,RAINFOREST,OCEAN]
            block: GOLD_ORE
            seed: 428091861
            density: 1
            thickness: 2
            densityBonus: -.65
            heightAvg: 50
            heightVar: 10
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 200
            exclusive: false
            biomes: [RIVER]
            block: REDSTONE_ORE
            seed: 310489593
            density: 1
            thickness: 5
            densityBonus: -.85
            heightAvg: 10
            heightVar: 10
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 200
            exclusive: false
            biomes: [TAIGA,TUNDRA,ICE_DESERT]
            block: LAPIS_ORE
            seed: 404598128
            density: 1
            thickness: 4
            densityBonus: -.5
            heightAvg: 30
            heightVar: 30
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 200
            exclusive: false
            biomes: [SAVANNA,SHRUBLAND]
            block: LAPIS_ORE
            seed: 360789460
            density: 1
            thickness: 5
            densityBonus: -.55
            heightAvg: 30
            heightVar: 30
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 200
            exclusive: false
            biomes: [OCEAN,SAVANNA,SHRUBLAND]
            block: DIAMOND_ORE
            seed: 653679925
            density: 1
            thickness: 3
            densityBonus: -.5
            heightAvg: 25
            heightVar: 20
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 100
            exclusive: false
            biomes: [DESERT]
            block: DIAMOND_ORE
            seed: 565674529
            density: 1
            thickness: 2
            densityBonus: -.8
            heightAvg: 25
            heightVar: 20
            heightLength: 80
            densLength: 50
            exclusive: false
            biomes: [RAINFOREST]
    I've refrained from updating my server so far until all my plugins are up to date. xD I would love to not have to redo this config for 1.2, but I understand if the new map format demands it. Thanks for the plugin!
  29. Offline


    The problem is that I used old Configuration class, which was removed in the new release. I will try to fix it asap, along with the new height limit.

    Fixed for 1.2.3, you just need to rename veins.yml to config.yml (I also mention that in first post). Also the permissions should work now.
  30. Offline


    i love the plugin, one of the ones that i will always use, love waching factions fight over ore deposits
  31. Offline


    is this mod compatible with Nordic?

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