[WGen]Endless Abandoned City[Race? :D]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Marcos Cosmos, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. The world generator will never be able to generate custom blocks. Populators could do it though.
  2. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Ah, alrighty :3
  3. Offline


    Hi. I just want to say that I am very very excited about this plugin. I have no java skills, but can totally help with testing. Let me know if there's anything else I can do.
  4. I always do private testing on my private server at home before releasing any code to the internet. I appreciate the offer and when pieces are released, you are more than welcome to goof around with them and report any bugs that may have been missed.

    I can't speak for anyone else who may upload anything for this project.
  5. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Heh, have you seen the rest of the project? (Click my sig), you could certainly help by looking around for developers that do the kinds of things the project involves, and who might be interested of course, thats of your interested in the whole project, this plugin specofically is mostly a waiting game, as richard is a busy guy, there is anotheelr wgen plugin in project BTW uf you look at our ideas, its an underworld/scrapyard type thing, but its complicated, may not get it made unless we pay someone..

    Marcos Cosmos
  6. Offline


    Cool guys, thanks. Marcos, your project looks fun, but I'm just interested in the plugin for a weird project of my own. I'm going to keep my eye on this for sure!
  7. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Alright, whats your project? :p

    Damn double quote, sorry, my phone must have messed up

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  8. Offline


    I want to make a Minecraft World based on Jorge Borges' story The Library of Babel. If you haven't read it, you really should. It's fantastic!


    To get the effect I want, it's going to require a plugin similar to the one in this thread, as well as some significant messing about with books and shelves. In that department, BookWorm is already quite close to what I want though I've posted in that thread as well with some ideas that would help me out.
  9. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Oh cool o.o
  10. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    @Richard Robertson rather than have ores and worry about resources... would it be possible to generate the city at the bottom of an End map? With say.. stone one block below the city (below the road level) and then either 5 blocks high of white stone before bedrock, or just bedrock?

    I'm not sure what the regular height of the End is but surely that would be simpler than having to mess around with ores (well, not ores specifically, but easier than putting it atop a regular overworld earth, plus the other features of the End (the lack of day/night, and black/dark void texture) very much suit The World That Never Was. :3
  11. It'd be no problem at all to generate at the bottom of the map. If anything that would make the generator slightly faster.

    I wish Notch had kept the Skylands rather than converting it to the End. The Skylands had a lot of possibilities.

    Also, I am working on this. As I mentioned before, keeping the blocks in line between chunks is pretty difficult so I spent most of the day Wednesday and some of yesterday evening working on a way to do that. Today I hope to finish it and get another build out.
    Marcos Cosmos and V10lator like this.
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  13. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Awsome, thanks!
  14. Offline


    Would This work?
    Edit: nvm looks like your getting a custom one :p
  15. Yeah that's not quite what Marcos wanted.

    Sorry guys, I don't have anything ready yet. I had to spend most of the day yesterday watching my younger brother.

    I may have figured out the math in my head that will work for lining up the buildings though.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  16. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    That's alright, 1.9 isn't out yet so everything is still held back anyway :p, and, cool x3

    @dak393 yeah, custom :p, its now going to be in The End hopefully :3
  17. Lemme write this down here so I can read it when I get back to a computer.

    abs(((chunkx * 16 (-16)?) +- 1 + x) % width)
  18. Offline


    The Skylands did have possibilities, but the Aether mod had done way more with the concept than Notch had done or intended to do. I gotta catch up Notch's twitter though; what's this stuff about the End? Is that actually happening? I heard a bit of mention of something like this on the Yogscast, but they tend to be almost as ill-informed as I am, so I didn't catch much.

    Anyway, this plugin sounds like it could be very interesting. I'm gonna play around with that pre-dev build you posted. Maybe I'll become a regular contributor to this; I have been finding I don't have the time to manage solo projects, so a group work like this might be better for me.
  19. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Awsome :3

    Heh, did you take a look at the rest of the project yet? :p most of it awaits spout to support full on modding (new mobs) but there's a secondary world generator to replace the Nether, that may be more likely to interest you, only problem is that it is too complex to seem feasible as things are, there is also a texture pack involved, and additional items, these additional items appear well within reach as spout finally nears a proper release for the client addon API.
    I've currently got a second plugin request for a Denizens plugin, if your interested in helping out.. :p

    Marcos Cosmos
  20. Offline


    I took a quick glance at the rest of the project - sounds like it could be a really huge awesome creation. Anyway, I played around with Richard Robertson's dev build he posted. I didn't do anything monumental to the generation (though I did manage to somehow completely screw up the sidewalk generation), but I did make some useful changes. It now generates a config file with which you can set the height of floors, the min and max # of floors, and all the blocks the generator uses. Obviously these options won't be available to the end user, but they're useful for experimentation. Here is the JAR: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    I recommened you use this as your config, as it corrects the buildings being full of stone (goes in \plugins\EndlessCity\config.yml):
    plugin_version: derp1
        floor_height: 3
        maxfloors: 8.0
        minfloors: 4.0
            insidespace: 0
            buildingframe: 98
            window: 20
            thevoid: 7
            road: 4
            underground: 1
            sidewalk: 43
    EDIT: Oh yeah, also, I didn't really do very much safeguarding for those config values, so make sure they're all valid and safe before you run it, although I am a bit curious as to what would happen if you tried to generate blocks outside of the world (i.e. below 0/above 128).

    EDITx2: OH SHOOT DON'T EVER CHANGE FLOOR_HEIGHT! I just realized it only changes half of the code that makes the floor height be 3. The other half will not be changed if you change floor_height! Oops.

    EDITx3: I made an awesome new version! I fixed the roads so they are 6 blocks wide with a 1 block wide sidewalk, the height of the world can be changed so that it starts at bedrock, and the material of the floors can be changed! JAR: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Here's a cool config you might like for this version (throw out the old one or the plugin will break!):
    plugin_version: derp1
        groundlevel: 10
        maxfloors: 8.0
        minfloors: 4.0
            insidespace: 0
            buildingframe: 43
            window: 20
            thevoid: 7
            road: 4
            underground: 1
            buildingfloor: 98
            sidewalk: 43
    Here's a screenshot with the above config:

    EDIT: Just figured out in my head how I can add doorways (not sure about doors) and maybe stairs, but I have to go to bed now so I'll add them tomorrow or something.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
  21. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Oh cool, thanks man, uhm, could you explain what all of the configs do a bit better? (some of the names confuse me)

    (the stone filled buildings was the original plan, I forget why, so its not a glitch xD), maybe so stone was plentiful, anyway I'm undecided about leaving that way.

    I feel it important to point out that buildings are going to be in blocks of 2x6 buildings with road between, so don't go changing building radius unless youve factored that in x.x..

    Thank you very much for making the config, good to have you on the team.. if your on bukkitdev I'll add you as an author :p

    Thank again,
    Marcos Cosmos
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
  22. He basically took my variable names and exported them to a configuration file.

    The End is completely replacing the Skylands. It's a new dark area (as if we didn't already have enough of that in the Nether) where the Endermen and Enderdragons will live. The ground is kinda green and there might be random towers of obsidian. Overall, a disappointment.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  23. Offline


    Sorry. I wasn't trying to steal yours, and I did give you credit, "Anyway, I played around with Richard Robertson's dev build he posted. I didn't do anything monumental to the generation (though I did manage to somehow completely screw up the sidewalk generation), but I did make some useful changes."

    Wow, the End sounds a bit useless. It sounds too fantastical for the vanilla game, but too bland to be a mod. Remember when we all praised PCGamer for forcing Notch to do something with his Sky Dimension code? Ugh, I wish it had just gone away.

    Lol I didn't know the buildings were supposed to be stone-filled, I just figured Robert Richardson had done that in a hurry or whatever.

    2x6 blocks of buildings... not sure what you mean. Would it be something like this (i kinda derped up with the sidewalks, but you can see what I mean:
    Anyway, sorry about the config. I was going to explain it but forgot. :p Here is an improved version of the config for the 2nd jar I posted:

    plugin_version: derp1 #this is used to efficiently keep configs up to date so the plugin doesn't break when a server owner updates the JAR but not the config.
        groundlevel: 10 #height of the ground level - the default from Richard Robertson's original build is 64
        maxfloors: 8.0 #maximum number of floors a building can have
        minfloors: 4.0 #minimum number of floors a building can have
            insidespace: 0 #the inside of the buildings
            buildingframe: 43 #the corners for windows in the building. this is hard to explain in words, so if you look at my screenshot earlier, it's where you see the stone slabs in the building
            window: 20 #the material windows are made out of
            thevoid: 7 #the bottom level of the world. should always be bedrock but I made it changeable anyway
            road: 4 # the material for the road
            underground: 1 #the blocks between the road and the bottom of the world will all be "underground"
            buildingfloor: 98 #the floors in the buildings. in my screenshot above, it's the "98" blocks (lol i don't know what that's actually called, haven't kept up with 1.8)
            sidewalk: 43 #the material for the rim around the building edge.
    EDIT: Oh yeah, and my Curse account is oxguy3
  24. Offline


    It's so great to see that progress is being made on this. Of course, it won't help me until the plugin can load an arbitrary .schematic file.

    I was thinking of offering a small monetary bounty for someone who gets the plugin to the state that I need, but I'm worried that bringing money into the equation will discourage people from sharing and cooperating.

    What do you think? Does money hurt or help the situation?
  25. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Well I'm not sure about a bounty but I'm sure a donation wouldn't go astray, so long as you don't make it explicitly dependent on your request, by say, donating afterwards for their great work with this plugin, rather than direct payment.

    In any case your request may not actually fit into the rest of the progression path for this plugin, as it's rather customised already, or, I should say, the next build will be. Your request should probably branch off into a second plugin based on the original prototype, although I probably will request a small implementation of schematics, by that time it will be likely spout dependent and stuff... perhaps you could make a request of your own for it to be modified to your liking, and pay for it, separate to the rest of the project? With the permission of @Richard Robertson and @oxguy3 of course. That way you wouldn't be impacting on the cooperation and contribution of the project as a whole, unless you are looking for The End etc.. o.o.

    Yeah The End really seems to be lacking, has a bit of promise if, as it looks to me it will become a major plot element for 'the adventure' we have been so long now promised, but is rather dissapointing in not having any new items of use in The End itself, sure there are white stone but it's nothing special, just a tad stronger, and to be perfectly honest they fucked up the texture coz it looks like sand, they Should make it bleached or at least milk white rather than invert the texture... that being said, it is slightly useful to me as I'll be able to re-texture it blank white as the 'white-space' I've referred to at least once in the project or on this thread. (though it would be able a whole lot better if... this is @Richard Robertson as well ofcourse: do you think you could fairly easily replace the white stone of the end with a glowstone based-block that has a blank white texture (and emits white light)? (when the block can be created via spout of course)

    I mean, it may not turn out how I'm hoping but if it does (the floating islands or whatever are spaced and arranged so that it lights up most of the city) it might be the perfect lighting system :3

    More a case that I rushed tried to make it as simple as possible so someone would pick up the request, but also I think I originally wanted for the windows to be dark, so having the block behind the glass gave the effect even with sunlight. :p

    But I'll probably use the one with a hollow interior (I trust you kept the floors?) don't bother putting stairs in though, or make it configurable because the theme that is used in the game that I am basing this of is of an impossible world, though my friend hosting the server might want them o.o.

    As for the building blocks I mean like this:
    Where each and every building is bordered by it's own footpath (so that the allies in between aren't annoyingly narrow to try and enter) and there are 8 block-wide roads (could be anywhere from 6-10 I guess, configurableness would be good :p)
    Thank you very much, makes perfect sense now :p,
    And I'm about to make you an author as soon as I post this, could you kindly upload your modification as a beta version so we can go on the public project list? I'd do it myself but I'm useful my phone's internet right now to get online, though I will do when I'm home, if you don't mind :D

    Regards & Thanks,
    Marcos Cosmos
  26. The next version I've got coming allows very easy configuration of number of buildings per block, and dimensions of everything. With the next edition, I will also have the proper source available via Github. With any luck I will actually be able to enjoy my day off tomorrow and get some work done.

    And for the record, the math involved in lining up blocks between chunks will probably blow at least a few of your minds. I'm quite proud of it.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
    V10lator likes this.
  27. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Oooo, very awesome :D

    It's all coming along nicely, have you thought about how the roadblocks will be yet? I mean, naturally with a populator but, I'm not sure what sort of frequency etc they should be at... probably not so great that one could find a complete dead end where three sides of an intersection are blocked.. or may it should happen, rarely? and then there is another, mostly aesthetic aspect to look into... The World That Never Was is dim and shadowy.. but littered with neon light and signs on nearly every building, so once spout's API allows it we should probably start looking into that.. Oh and those randomly placed chests with loot in them. :p, some should probably even spawn in buildings when they are hollow.

    Edit: Lol math is like that sometimes, what I don't get is why that's not a problem for Every world generation plugin, and therefore, be universally solved... or do they cheat with populators to clean the edges according to biome?

    Marcos Cosmos
  28. Most generators don't generate the same thing repeatedly. They create a world that flows over predictably random data.
  29. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Ah, alright, but regardless, have you thought about it? :p
    Edit: The roadblocks ad to be the same, it would in fact be much better if they had abnormalities and uniquenesses to them, but if belongs in a generator, sure. Still need a populator for chests and that.. :p

    Awesome x3, though I would rather prefer that that the exterior one one block, (I mean, the frame, including exterior floor), so could you separate the interior floor from the exterior frame?

    and, again there's the filling of the interior with stone, to give the illusion of a potentially furnished interior, and emphasise the vastness/desertedness dim of the city, and dim it a little. That being said, it could look fine without sunlight, Though would you maybe have another solution for that? :) perhaps if windows are changed around it could retain eeriness...

    As for doorways, that would be good, configurable block please :p , but you'd need a populator for actual doors right?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2016
  30. Don't wait for spout, use http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/thedarkness/ to keep the world dark (while you still allow animals to spawn and plants to grow) and make streetlamps and glowstone at higher buildings (as shiny big signs). :)

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