Inactive [WGEN/ADMN/FUN/MISC/MECH] Alpha v0.3 - Bring back the fond memories of Alpha, and more! [1.0.1-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by T145, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Alpha v0.3
    By T145

    Miss the old versions of Minecraft? Ever wish you could bring them back? Well now you can! Introducing Alpha, the 1.0 compatible plugin that brings the Alpha features of Minecraft into 1.0 (except Weeping Obsidian)! Many of the features included and to be included are both from Alpha and add many new fun functions to a server!

    Video courtesy of Powerpawn!

    - Cook ores and stone over a netherrack fire!
    - Cook gold and iron ores directly into ingots, clay directly into clay bricks (not the block), cobblestone blocks into stone blocks, and sand blocks into glass w/ the flint and steel!
    - Transform lava into obsidian when cooled w/ water instead of cobblestone!
    - Smelt sand blocks directly into glass blocks w/ lava!

    v0.3 - Minor bug fixes (stone can now be cooked directly by igniting cobblestone!)
    v0.2 - Minor bug fixes plus new content!
    v0.1 - Initial release


    Future Updates and Plans:
    - Sponge functionality restoration
    - Ignite TNT with a slip of the fist! (this feature will also be added to a completely independent and individual plugin as well!)
    - Disabling the entering of the End dimension
    - and more to come!

    Please leave any feedback about improvements, recommendations, etc.! P.S. This plugin and code are both under copyright, so I would appreciate it if no one used the code or concepts in their own plugin(s). Thank you and have a happy new year!
    lucoatom and powerpawn like this.
  2. Offline


    That's a good idea! It would take some time for research and development, but what I could do is implement the classic tweak that enables tools be repaired when cooked in a furnace! How would that fare?
  3. Offline


    Since the plugin is going for alpha type features people would be looking for close as possible features. Things should go well for those seeking this type of entertainment :)
  4. Offline


    How is this related to world generation? You've got the WGEN tag on it.
  5. Offline


    That's a good question, and, to say it simply, the plugin effects some world generating properties. It shifts around some ores and veins in a map if a new map is generated with the plugin installed. It's extremely fun to play around with when coupled with Mineral Veins!
  6. Offline


    Wonderful Job! I remember the alpha days along with everyone else on my server. We will all enjoy this greatly!
    T145 likes this.
  7. Offline


    Would you like to make a video demonstration/review of the plugin? I currently do not have the time, recording software, YouTube account, etc., and am trying to find someone who may be able to do it for me. To you or anyone else who's interested, just leave a comment with a link to your YouTube video, I'll preview it and, under approval, add it to the plugin's main thread! It would be extremely helpful and appreciated!
  8. Offline


    Does this do fire spread as well?
  9. What? No Sponges?
  10. Offline


    No worries, I'm working on that!
    1.0 has fire-spread in itself, so I didn't see the need to modify it in any way. There are all ready a bunch of other plugins that deal with fire-spread management, modification, and prevention as well.
    Nox13last likes this.
  11. Offline


    Sounds good! Ill try to get right on it! What software do you prefer I use?
  12. Isn't fire-spread severely nerfed in recent builds? I remember when a fire took in a forest, it would burn until all the trees were gone. Now, it seems far less destructive.
  13. Offline


    Any you want! As long as the video is decent, you know? Not awfully pixel-like or laggy, you know? All the rest is up to your creativity!
    Well, you'd be correct in saying that, but the bottom line is it's not what servers and administrators want, like, or need. With griefing rampent, I don't think admins want a plugin that actually helps griefers.
  14. Offline


    Yes you are definiately right T145, I dont want a fire spreader plugin. I just want an alpha plugin. Thanks for NOT adding that. As to the video I am still working on it. Do you know of any free desktop software? I have one but it can lag. Thanks for the plugin.
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    Also I need a couple of hours to make the vid because i found a better software then the one I am using. And should I make a tutorial for installation?
  17. Offline


    Whatever you want! I don't care how long it takes to make, when it's posted, etc.. That's all up to you!
  18. Offline


    Also plugin wise, I made a new worl but i have a 1.0.0 one that i want to be alpha. Would that work? And Does it work with multiverse? If not that would be great as a world generator too. Thanks! And sorry for keeping you busy kinda ;)
  19. Offline


    A worl?
  20. Offline


    Woops a world. lol
  21. Offline


    Ya, that'll work! I haven't implemented either the End or the Nether. The Nether will eventually be updated to have no gravel (thank goodness!) and no Blazes. The End will have everything the same but with the disability that no one can enter it, unless of course an admin teleports there. And yes, I think you can say that it works with Multiverse because Mulitverse generates worlds the same way Bukkit (which is aslo the same way the default Minecraft_Server) generates worlds because it provokes a world's generation, so all of the worlds generated would be virtually the same.
  22. Offline


    So i could install the plugin then do /mvc Alpha and have it create a alpha world along with the normal one?

    because i want to do that in the tut

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  23. Offline


    Oh no, you don't have to go that far! :p You just have to simply show what the plugin does and give a review! If you want to do a commentary, that's cool too, but you don't have to go into all the world effects info unless you really want to!
  24. Offline


    Okay I still kinda do want to know though, can you? Because right now some people on my server are upset. If not it is all cool. Thanks!
  25. Offline


    You just generate a world w/out Alpha installed, then remove the "world" folder from the server folder, then install Alpha, then generate a new, effected "world" folder, rename either the original or effected worlds, then import both worlds! You can probably handle it from there!

    If you want to message me your server's IP, I'd be more than happy to play on it some!

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  26. Offline


    Thanks! Vid will be done in like 2 hours as a side note.
  27. Offline


    Hey T145...

    Great Plug-In!! I LOVE IT!! Best Ever.. Uhm Just 1 Thing..., The End Dimension That You Are Working Hard At To Get It To Be Disabled.. Can You Please Make It Toggle On/Off? For The People That Do Like The End And The People That Don't.. And Any Ideas When The Sponge Will Come Back In?? I Loved The Way It Soaked Up The Water :p!

    Great Mod And Hope To See Many More Updates And Even More Plug-ins! :D
  28. Offline


    Cool just give me a couple minutes to get the multiverse stuff up.
  29. Offline


    No problem! I'll get to work on it!
    Um... it's kind of still there?
  30. Offline


    Rofl Didn't Notice It Went Onto The 3rd Page :p
  31. Offline


    Hmm almost done.

    Awesome! Almost ready!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016

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