Welcome Message Question (Essentials)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by AuraSean, Aug 25, 2012.

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    I'm wanting to know how would I go about adding anew line to the welcome message on Essentials?


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    In the Essentials folder, there is an "motd.txt" file. That is where the welcome message is.
    If you want to edit it, I recommend using the Notepad++ program. Your default text editor may not add lines.
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    That's not what I'm asking. I'm asking how would I go about adding lines to the welcome message in the config.
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    Still not entirely sure what you're asking, then. Do you mean the "announce-format" boolean?
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    When you login, you get that welcome message saying "Welcome AuraSean" I want to know how would I go about adding another line to that. So it looks like:

    Welcome AuraSean
    Please check out our forum for updates

    Not looks like its all in one line.

    Welcome AuraSean Please check out our forum for updates
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    Simply in the motd.txt open it in a notepad++ or a program like that, write each line and when u need a new line just go to the next line and start typing:) nothing special needed
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