WEIRD region file problem, anybody having this issue?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ClearTranquil, Apr 16, 2012.

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    Tiny little regions generate outside of my worlds' defined borders and are exactly 1 chunk big (usually). ALL of my maps have this problem on my server, including Nether and The End. My height limit is set to 256 and the map's FTP below was converted from 1.0 to Anvil at 1.2.3.

    No matter how many times I delete these regions more just spring up.

    I'm currently running some common plugins on RB 1.2.5 such as AdminCMD and WorldBorder, WorldEdit, and WorldGuard. Also some things such as Mob Arena, mcMMO, and Monster Hunt. Just for reference.

    What's going on and does anyone have any ideas or are in a similar predicament?

    In any case, my FTP looks like this:

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    Bump - This is still plaguing me.
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