
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Protom1234, Feb 23, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Warp, Teleportion, Commands

    Suggested name: WarpFlyDisable

    What I want: Well, I need a plugin that when you do /warp then a warp name <I want it so I can add more inside a config if needed> then it will automatically disable their fly when they teleport. Please could you make it when they teleport as some plugins use a cooldown (Mine doesn't) but some do. Thanks!
    Next, instead the config could be looking like this:
    - warp parkour
    - warp example
    - warp example2

    Ideas for commands: /warpflydisable reload - Reload config/plugin

    Ideas for permissions: warpfly.disable - General permission for disabling fly.

    When I'd like it by: ASAP
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    You could use a Plugin like CommandOverride for the cooldown part.
    Link is in my Signature.
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    @mrCookieSlime In would rather have made what I asked for. Sorry if I sound rude.
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    I know, I'm just saying that one part of it could be done with an existing plugin, this would mean less work for the one who fills your request. And after all, less work also means more attractive to developers after all.
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    @mrCookieSlime That means 3 plugins. I only want 1 plugin with my request in. It would be 3 because of your plugin, CB-Lib or something that your plugin requires, and then the one for the /warps. I hope you see what I'm getting at.
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