I am looking for a plugin for when you /warp anywhere, it clears you're inventory. Please respond if you know a plugin that is up or you can make one. Thanks
Interesting idea... If you don't mind me asking why? Do you also have something against using Multiverses with Multiverse inventories setup with different inventories? A cheap (and not 100% fullproof method) would be to get a commandblock to clear your inventory when you warp into an area, i.e. the only way out is to run over that commandblock.
I know that you wish to use the /warp command but you (someone else who happens across this post) may find it useful that ButtonWarp has an option to deny warping if the player has items in their inventory.
Not really interested in the plugin, but the reason why is more important! If this could be hooked into combat tag though = winning idea. That way you don't need a warp timer
I own a kit server and people are using kits where their not supposed to be using it. This is caused by the /warp command so if I can clear their inventory when they use it, they would only be able to use the kits there. I own a kit server and people are using kits where their not supposed to be using it. This is caused by the /warp command so if I can clear their inventory when they use it, they would only be able to use the kits there. I use Essentials for /warp. I tried myself making a custom plugin for it but I can't figure out how to get around that /warp in Essentials. If you could make one, that would be great.
If another plugin registers the command "warp", essentials will give that plugin priority (unless you specifically tell it not to in the config).