Problem/Bug /warp and /home command suggestion issues

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Kithred, Mar 30, 2020.

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    Hello, I'm running a server on bukkit 1.14.4 and I installed a few plugins such as : WorldEdit, Vault, GroupManager, MineableSpawners, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Portals, Essentials, UltimateShops, GriefPrevention, EssentialsChat.
    The issue is concerning /home and /warp command suggestions. The command works well and player have permissions for it but when typing and being un-op, the command write itself in red (like when you type /commandthatdoesn'texist) and player can't use tab for suggestions. It is very strange because it is more likely to be broken but sometimes tabs suggestion work but it doesn't take long to get broken again. The fact is that there are two ranks on my server : Admin and citizens. For the admin it always work well but citizens have trouble... here is the list of permisions for their rank :
        - minecraft.command.say
        - minecraft.command.seed
        - minecraft.command.msg
        - bukkit.broadcast.user
        - bukkit.broadcast
        - bukkit.broadcast.scradmin
        - groupmanager.notify.other
        - groupmanager.notify.self
        - multiverse.access.informations
        - multiverse.access.world_nether
        - multiverse.access.world_the_end
        - multiverse.core.spawn.self
        - multiverse.portal.access.*
        - essentials.afk
        - essentials.enderchest
        - essentials.home.bed
        - essentials.kick.notify
        - essentials.kit
        - essentials.msg
        - essentials.home
        - essentials.sethome
        - essentials.sethome.bed
        - essentials.sethome.multiple
        - essentials.delhome
        - essentials.showkit
        - essentials.suicide
        - essentials.tpa
        - essentials.tpacancel
        - essentials.tpaccept
        - essentials.tpahere
        - essentials.tpdeny
        - essentials.warp
        - essentials.warp.list
        - essentials.workbench
        - essentials.signs.color
        - essentials.signs.use.warp
        - essentials.kits.claim
        - essentials.warps.*
        - essentials.worlds.informations
        - essentials.worlds.world_nether
        - essentials.worlds.world_the_end
        - essentials.worlds.Minage
        - essentials.ban.notify
        - essentials.spawn
        - griefprevention.lava
        - griefprevention.claimslistother
        - griefprevention.createclaims
        - griefprevention.visualizenearbyclaims
        - griefprevention.eavesdrop
        - griefprevention.seeinactivity
        - griefprevention.seeclaimsize
        - griefprevention.trapped
        - essentials.balance
        - -essentials.keepInv
        - ushops.user
        - ushops.make
        - -ushops.admin
        - -griefprevention.buysellclaimblocks
        - -griefprevention.siege
        - griefprevention.unlockdrops
        - -griefprevention.adminclaims
        - essentials.mail
        - essentials.mail.send
        - essentials.mail.sendall
        - -mineablespawners.give
        - -mineablespawners.spawner
        - mineablespawners.break
    Thx for reading my thread and I hope someone can find where the problem is ^^
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