Plugin category: Idk Suggested name: Warning+ What I want: I want to see a plugin where you can do /warn (Player) (Reason) and it broadcasts to the whole server say if i did like /warn ExamplePlayer Please do not spam, It would come up &c[WARN] &4RJLEGalaxy (Or whatever color staff's prefixes are): Please do not spam. So I would also like it to keep track of the warns like /warns ExamplePlayer it would come up &6(Player) &bCurrently has &a&l(#) &cWarns. And if the player has over 50 warns, the number would be &4&l(#). Ideas for commands: /warns (Player) reset. Resets all warns for that player. /warns (Player) add/remove - Adds/Removes warns from players Ideas for permissions: warning.* When I'd like it by: January 30th, 2016.
oh also I forgot the rest so /warn (Player) (Reason) would come up &c[WARN] &(Prefix color)(Staff member who warned): &CWarned &(Player Prefix color)(Player) for: &c(Reason) nd if u did /warn (Player) it would do the same thing but the reason would be You have been warned! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
@RJLEGalaxy I gave this a go. Heres a download link if you want! EDIT by Timtower: removed mediafire link.
Me or are you making your own plugin? If you are asking me, the only message that really matters is the warn message and that is configurable.
ok I'll re upload when I get home EDIT: I have to make a dropbox account and I really dont feel like it.
There are already existing ones out there with what you need. Try to do a Google search "Bukkit warn plugin" should be good.
@Irantwomiles That's not what I asked for. I asked it to broadcast [WARN] (Staff name) warned (Player) for (Reason) Not (Player) has used [warn]1. and /warns (Player) to see how many warns.
Why don't you use my plugin, RJLEGalaxy. It can be found here. What you describe is very similar to my plugin. Make sure you download the latest update tho. Update 3.0 Allows to do most things except check players warnings! I will be sure to add that in at some point tho.
Ban Management = fully customisable, links to My SQL Database, handles IP's, Bans, Kicks, Mutes and Warns. It's perfect and I would 100% recommend it.