Warning: Unmappable character for encoding UTF8

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Ineentho, May 7, 2011.

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    When I build using ant (+Eclipse), I get this error:
    warning: unmappable character for encoding UTF8
        [javac]         String prefix ="�a[1bF�6ull�bC�hest�a]�f";
    The real line:
    String prefix ="§a[1bF§6ull§bC§hest§a]§f";
    Ant build file (open)

    <project name="BurningHouse" default="dist" basedir=".">
        <property name="pluginname" value="FullChest"/>
        <property name="bukkit.jar" location="dist/Bukkit.jar"/>
        <property name="permissions.jar" location="dist/Permissions.jar"/>
        <property name="plugins" location="../../plugins/"/>
        <property name="src" location="src"/>
        <property name="bin" location="bin"/>
        <property name="dist" location="dist"/>
        <target name="init">
            <mkdir dir="${bin}"/>
        <target name="compile" depends="init">
            <javac srcdir="${src}/fullChest" destdir="${bin}" includeantruntime="false">
                    <pathelement location="${bukkit.jar}"/>
                    <pathelement location="${permissions.jar}"/>
        <target name="dist" depends="compile">
            <mkdir dir="${dist}"/>
            <jar jarfile="A:\Dropbox\Dropbox\Minecraft servers\testserver3\plugins\${pluginname}.jar">
                <fileset dir="${bin}"/>
                <fileset file="${src}/plugin.yml"/>
        <target name="deploy" depends="dist">
            <copy file="${dist}/${pluginname}.jar" todir="${plugins}"/>
        <target name="clean">
            <delete dir="${bin}"/>
            <delete dir="${dist}"/>

    When I later try to use a command of the plugin in-game, it looks like the § characters wasn't there at all. I think I managed to build without this error eariler, but I'm not sure.

    Thanks for any help!
  2. Offline


    use /0007 i belive
  3. Offline


    isn't it "\u00A7" ?
  4. Offline


    So I have to use UTF-encodings (not sure if it's called that)? I just wrote § in the code, and it worked fine before. Isn't it any way to change the encodings or something?
  5. Offline


    I may be missing something here, but this package looks like it would be of use:
  6. Offline


    I should maybe have said that I got this problem with other things too, like in comments. However, it's just a warning so I could just ignore it, and use the bukkit.ChatColor package.

    Thanks for the suggestions!
  7. Offline


    Ah, well I'm not sure how to help you there, but I'm glad that helped a bit.
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