
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by TenchiPlaysMC, Mar 3, 2015.

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    I am currently looking for a Wardrobe and Hats plugin with full customization. There are probably a plugin or two that exists but not with the name and the way I want it!

    Plugin Name:

    What does WardHats do?
    WardHats is a Wardrobe and Hats plugin combined! It allows players to pick a armor from a GUI and Hats from a GUI.

    I would like to see lots of customization in this plugin. Armor name customization, Hat name customization, select messages customization, prefix customization, etc.

    /wardhats - opens the GUI for WardHats
    /wardhats reload - reloads the configuration (Optional)

    wardhats.armor.<color> - Gives the player access to that certain armor that's colored.
    wardhats.hat.<block> - Gives the player access to wear that certain block type.
    wardhats.reload - Gives the player access to reload the configuration. (Optional)

    Config: (Not the full config I was thinking of!)
    WardHats Config (open)
    prefix: '&7[&cWardHats&7]:'
    select-armor-message: '&6You have selected %armor%!'
    select-hat-message: '&6You have selected %hat%!'
    armor-remove-message: '&cYou have removed %armor%!'
    hat-remove-message: '&cYou have removed %hat%!'

    When I would like it by?
    Soon as possible..
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