Want use buttons, leavers, but not place and destroy blocks. <cry>

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by aero83, May 28, 2012.

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    Hi! I have big problem! I want to make normal players on my server can only use buttons, leavers and pressure plates, but cannot place or destroy blocks. How should I do it? Please help me!
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    aero83 likes this.
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    @UP Ok thanks. Now I have this plugin, but i don't know how to config it. Please help me.
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    1. create a region ex. Spawn

    2. put this command "/rg flag Spawn use allow"

    3. done
    aero83 likes this.
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    Ok, I did it. Thanks. ;D
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    This is extremely simple but lacking in detail, which is doubtful to be helpful.
    Personally, I'd use ModifyWorld which is connected with PermissionsEx, so you can specifically specify what they can and can not do. I.e. Use levers, but not pressure plates, and so forth.
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    Download WorldGuard And World Edit Define A Region
    /Region Flag <Region Name> Use Allow/Deny
  8. Offline


    Ok, Thanks, I did what I wanted. It works. Thanks everyone for help!
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    If your issue in the Bukkit Help forums is resolved, please change the prefix of your topic title to Solved by going to Thread Tools then 'Edit Thread'
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